Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 12-8-2011

Traci Brooks vs. Gail Kim:

What I Liked:

Traci shows a little spine when Gail tells her to lay down. It adds a wrinkle to this storyline, adds something a little different than what we have seen. Gail and Traci should not have been a match on this specific show, though.

What I Disliked:

The match was sloppy, rushed, and had not much of a climax to it. Rayne interfering was useless, makes Kim look like she NEEDS help to put down Brooks. Seriously, what is the point of focusing on an interference…again? They need to begin to book Kim correctly, and not water her talents down with a feud with Brooks.

Grade: D

Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett and Bobby Roode:

What I Liked:

The beginning of the match was good, as it quickly started off the fighting. The personalities in this match are so different, but these two feuds needed the same amount of time at the end of the show to spotlight it. We will most likely get Roode vs. Hardy next month, and this match gave us a glimpse into the future. I loved the aggression from Roode, his sense of heel characteristics of cheating for himself. I loved the backstage, outside, and all aspects of the arena being used for this fight. Continue to show us that "all hell can break loose." Hardy and Styles get the win, which I agree with. The end was good because it gave Roode the advantage after a loss. He stands tall, slams Styles on the stage, and continues to work the crowd over.

What I Disliked:

There was not much to dislike here, as they continued to build the two feuds into the Pay Per View. Why wasn't Sting seen here, as he is handcuffed to Karen Jarrett at Final Resolution? He seems to be more in the Roode angle more than Hardy and Jarrett at this time and place. There needs to be an urgent reminder of who and what the pieces are in the matches.

Grade: B+

Impact Wrestling Grade: C+

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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