Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction For 11/10

Mickie James and Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim and Madison Rayne(c) for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship:

What I Liked:

The pace, the action, and the continued focus of Mickie James are all good signs of how the Knockout Division is shaping up. Karen Jarrett implements herself as well, creating the heel persona. Kim wins, and it continues to push her and James, ultimately leading to a single match between the two. Let's face it, those are the two most talented performers they have. It was also nice seeing Sky and Rayne get some much needed exposure.

What I Disliked:

The ending was slow, and felt like it was not executed properly. You need to establish what is happening, build around the match mor than the outside interference. I feel like James should have been pinned, giving the personal feud between her and Kim more of a struggle and conflict. They need to utilize Kim as the "takeover" from James.

Grade: C

Robbie E and Rob Terry vs. Eric Young and Ronnie from Jersey Shore:

What I Liked:

Seeing this tag team match not be wasted on a Pay Per View. Robbie and Terry really get heat from the crowd by taunting Ronnie in the ring. I loved Terry's suplex, as well as Robbie's versatile move set. He is athletic, but also possesses great strength.

What I Disliked:

TNA trying to prove a point with Eric Young that he should be taken seriously. There is no way he could be considered a guy who could beat Terry or Robbie. It is not believable to me. Also, Ronnie did not really do much. One body slam, one clothesline. Let him get beaten up a bit, stretch out the match, and have EY help him in the very end.

Grade: D


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