Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 10-31-2011

Alberto Del Rio vs Big Show:

What I Liked:

They really gave this match time to grow and be told in the ring. It was a struggle, which does not harm or bury two important superstars in the WWE right now. I do not agree with the 15-18 minutes they were given, but at least it was not a ridiculous waste of time.

What I Disliked:

The match was just okay. It was slow, not really planned out well, and had no steam to the finish of the match. Also, the sleeper was applied way too long, took the crowd's interest out of the match. Also, when will we see a transformation in character from Del Rio? Heels can win matches clean, can look powerful and smart at the same time. It is frustrating because Del Rio's character continues to look weak, scared, and unsure of what to do. I am still waiting for the one time where I "believe" Del Rio is a legit champion. A clean win? Way to build your WWE Champion.

Grade: C-

Punk comes out, sits next to a knocked out Alberto Del Rio. He throws water in his face, says he will lock in the Anaconda Vice until Del Rio gives him the title match. Punk gets him to agree to it. Why would they not do this earlier? Why did they have to have Del Rio lose clean for Punk to get him match? I liked what Punk did with what was given to him, it just was booked, for lack of a better term, awkward and weird.

Dolph, Jack, and Vickie talk to muppets.


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