Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 10-28-2011

Wade Barrett vs. Trent Baretta

Wade and Trent put on a good match here, a combination of athleticism and brawling techniques. Baretta got a few good moves in, but we see Barrett dominate and pick up the win.

What I Liked:

A match with no history but still made sense to continue the push of Barrett. I love Barrett in the ring, because he is not a muscle head, but a pure powerful guy. His boot to send Baretta to the outside was picture perfect. I also enjoyed that it was not a quick squash match. That is what they seem to do when pushing a major heel in the company. I.E. Brodus Clay on Superstars. I also love the old school interview once again before the match.

What I Disliked:

Not much that I disliked here. The match did not feature an amazing contest, but had great spots. Its a shame because Baretta is a great seller and does not over due it.

Grade: B

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph and Randy go back and forth in the beginning, until Dolph gets taken down by Randy. He hits a big knee to the chest, but Ziggler is able to apply a headlock, hit a beautiful drop kick, and get a two count. The finish comes when he almost hits Zig Zag, but Orton blocks it into an RKO.

What I Liked:

What a match they gave us. Incredible back and forth chemistry, as Ziggler continues to show me how complete he is. He looks great, his spot timing is fantastic, and Ziggler perfectly sells a move without overselling it. Ziggler's superkick looks great, Orton worked his offense throughout, even on the defensive at times. Go back to enjoy and watch this match. It was great. I also enjoyed Rhodes commentating, and looked mental when talking to his bag after the match.

What I Disliked:

Shockingly enough, nothing.

Grade: A+


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