Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 10-21-2011

Eve confronts Beth and Natalya about her match at Vengeance for the Divas Championship. No physicality, but all hype and talk.

The Big Show vs. Alberto Del Rio:

Show starts off on the offensive, tossing around Del Rio. He applies some choke holds, chops away at Del Rio, and chokes him with his boot on the mat. Big Show continues to gain the advantage, dominating with body slams and using his size. We see some good speed from Show, as he crashes into Del Rio with a clothesline. Finally, Del Rio gets up and reverses a move. He kicks Show in the chest, and breaks down pieces of Show. He works on his arm, but Show gets to his feet and hits three clotheslines. Show goes for a chokeslam, but Del Rio reverses it and applies the Arm Bar submission hold. Show gets to his feet to toss him. Show hits a chokeslam, but Henry comes out. Show punches Henry, and knocks him out cold.

What I Liked:

Surprisingly, Del Rio and Show worked pretty decent together. I love having Show stand tall at the end with his punch. Henry will win at Vengeance, but the illusion of the more powerful and dangerous Show is something that gives him adversity. He needed more hype and more believability to beat Henry. Suddenly, the script is flipped, as Henry is now the underdog.

What I Disliked:

Not having Cena be seen whatsoever. Also, Ricardo needs to stop interfering, as the outcome and result is continuously similar each week.

Grade: B-

Smackdown Grade: B. We got every feud that needed built up complete. No Cena for Del Rio was the only mistake. Not even a sight of him, or a promo.

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over


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