Title This: TNA Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-13-2011

Opening Segment/ What Happened:

Angle talks about all he has done in his career, and talks about dominating the company with nobody backing him up. He gives his hand for Roode to shake, and Roode does not shake it. Roode says he knows what it takes to be a champion, and it is heart. Roode compliments Angle, but says he will find out at Bound For Glory who will take Impact to the next level. Angle also sets up a match between Roode and Gunner and Jeff Jarrett.

What I Liked:

Roode having to overcome another obstacle is fitting because that is what he has been doing the past month. I liked the respect that was showed between the two, but wish they had more hatred for one another to build the feud one last time.

What I Disliked:

They need to have Angle in a match tonight as well. We have a one sided storyline where it has some holes, and really is not the best they could do with these two talented guys. I just wanted a little more heat, a little more rage.

Grade of Segment: B+

RVD and AJ Styles vs. Daniels and Jerry Lynn/What Happened:

A fast paced match with a lot of action. Lynn and RVD worked well together, but Lynn just does not have it when I watch him. The flow was fast, the pacing and timing was decent, but Daniels was the guy to pick up all of the offense. Styles also hits a few great moves, Daniels is a great reversal artist, but the winners are Styles and RVD after Styles pins Lynn

What I Liked:

Seeing Daniel retreat is the right thing to do, because Daniels shows fear and weakness in a feud which he has been so engulfed in over the years. They have a personal battle, even though they respect one another. I did also like how fast paced the match was with all of these good athletes.

What I Disliked:

The feel of a brawl instead of a wrestling match. It was not needed here, but needed more of a progression of moves in the ring. The guys had a fast pace, but none of them really had that battle and struggle in the ring. It did not feel like the match needed to end at the point it did. Felt a little rushed

Grade of Segment: B-


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