Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 10-10-2011

Opening Segment/What Happened:

We opened Raw with no announcers, no referees, a few cameramen and Triple H. Triple H is followed backstage and then comes to the ring. He would go on to speak about the walk out last week, and how he will not quit or give up. John Cena also said that he is here to stay, no matter who his boss is. We then get Sheamus to talk about how he attacked Triple H a year ago, and how he was not legally punished. This is why Sheamus is still here, along with traveling from Ireland to compete. C.M. Punk also says he is here to stay as well. We then get HHH as a referee to Sheamus and Cena.

What I Liked:

The beginning was incredible. An eerie feeling to start the show, with nobody besides Triple H being seen. I loved how real it felt, how completely different from anything else we have ever seen. When you sense realistic events occurring, you get the feeling that they are unscripted. We all know its scripted, but they crossed a good line that needed to be tested. The guys coming to back H was great, especially because they all had a different reason and story to do so. The story continues to unfold. CM Punk giving the reigns to announce was a great, comical, and interesting addition. All of these guys have different backgrounds, different ways that they got to the top, and combining all of there stories and reasons to be here shows you that the business is bigger than them. Well done in every single angle, from no announcers, no Raw intro video, the backstage area as barren, and Triple H walking as the lone soldier.

What I Disliked:

Not seeing Orton or Big Show, as they were advertised as explaining why they did not walk out. That is really all I did not like in this segment.

Grade: A

John Cena vs. Sheamus/ What Happened:

The match got under way with both men working on one another. After a few minutes, we get Vince McMahon to interrupt. This match does not really get a grade.


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