Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 10-10-2011

Vince McMahon and Triple H/ What Happened:

Vince McMahon would begin to compliment Triple H about how he felt he was doing as the COO. Vince would soon let him know that he is no longer needed as his duties of the COO. Announced soon after would be the Interim Raw GM, John Lauranitis.

What I Liked:

The return of Vince, as he still is the guy everybody knows makes the decisions. McMahon needed to be seen on TV again for the sole purpose of what his character does for everyone else. He makes segments and announcements more important, as the feeling is realistic. I may sound repetitive tonight, but so far I feel like they are flying by the wings of their jackets. They are going along as they want, as it comes to them, and that's refreshing. Vince firing HHH was the best way for him to be relieved of his duties, kind of coming full circle.

What I Disliked:

John Lauranitis as Interim Raw GM. I know he will not be there long, but I cannot stand his character, his lack of emotion and personality. This is Raw, a place where you need a polarizing figure to take over. Nobody will tune in to see Lauranitis. You NEED him to be overtaken in the next few weeks. You need someone to seize control that the fans want. They want someone that they do not get bored with. The story takes a turn, but is it a turn for the worse? The story goes on…

Grade: B+

John Lauranitis is backstage and welcomes the guys back into the arena. He sets up Morrison vs. Christian

Christian vs. John Morrison/ What Happened:

We got a match with not much excitement. Christian was in control for most of the match, but Morrison hit a few moves. Swagger, Ziggler, Rhodes, and Vickie were ringside. Christian wins with a distraction. After the match, All the guys on the outside hit their finishers on Morrison.

What I Liked:

The solidarity between these guys continue, even if Triple H does not have power. The mid card stable is an intriguing one, especially since they, in my opinion, will be in some sort of Survivor Series match against the Veterans. You expose these guys so much right now, but we do not get sick of them. All of them have their reason to be together, and taking out Morrison was a nice touch to a rather wasteless match.

What I Disliked:

How quick was that match? With two guys who can really work, I would have rather seen them get more time, especially with the lack of in ring action so far. If you give them even 7 or 8 minutes instead of 2 would do no harm to either guy. Maybe you can make Morrison come close to winning, and get screwed again. This could be a way to alter the character of Morrison, unless they realize he is not coming back after his contract expires.

Grade: C+

Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry/ What Happened:

Orton and Henry got a decent amount of time in this match. Henry controlled most of the match, until Orton hit his patented DDT, and began to work on Henry's body. Orton hit an RKO, but he got the DQ win when Cody Rhodes came out to interfere. Rhodes begins to kick away at Orton until Henry hit two World's Strongest Slams on Orton. Rhodes goes back into the ring, hits a CrossRoads, and put a bag over his head. Rhodes walks off looking powerful.

What I Liked:

I am a big fan of Cody Rhodes, and this shows you how much of the future he really is. He should be getting a match at Vengeance with Orton, as Henry/Show seems to be the way they are going for the World Title. Rhodes continues to show how demented he is mentally while in and out of the ring. He took a bland heel character and has run with it. I really enjoy his work, as it has never been about his talents in the ring, but his ability to carry a feud or to carry a superstar throughout a program. He did learn from some of the best, and his voice and look is something rare in the WWE. He is a dark and disturbed guy, whose laugh was a great addition. Henry continues to look dominant, and Orton is seen as the weak one, but his character cannot be harmed by this.

What I Disliked:

Where is Big Show in this segment? With only 2 weeks to build his program with Henry, even though they have a back story, I feel like he needed to show himself here. There will only be an emphasis on characterization for him here, still looking for Vengeance. Show should have ran off Henry.

Grade: B+


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