Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 10-3-2011

I really liked the youtube video that was played. They continue this angle in a different and unique way. I do not recall something this media savvy that has been used by the WWE in quite some time. Instead of Via Satellite or some other ridiculous way to show they really are not fired, they went outside the box and came up with a good idea to show them on TV without over exposing them.

12 Man Tag Team Match:

What I Liked:

The fluctuation of matchups in the ring, such as Swagger/Sheamus, Punk/ Ziggler, and just every matchup in the ring worked. The match itself was very entertaining, as we say every superstar really work enough in the ring. Obviously you will get some more than others in ring timing, but the action and build in the match set up for a good finish. I enjoyed going into the commercial breaks, with all men in the ring and Vickie getting thrown out from ringside. It gave us a continuing interest in the next segment. Also, having Sheamus with the pinfall is another reminder how much stock they are investing in him. One day, I would love to see a Jack Swagger/Sheamus match.

What I Disliked:

Mason Ryan being a part of this match, because you did not see Alex Riley, Zack Ryder, or other guys who are more appropriate for this match. It was a little frustrating because in one week, they throw him into the main event. Where was Ryder and Riley all night besides the ending segment? They should have been involved in either this match or another one, instead of having Mahal and Santino. The match did not do much in progressing any specific storyline, but was entertaining to watch.

Grade of Match: B+

Triple H does not get a Vote of Confidence:

What I Liked:

I loved seeing the referees speaking up. Mike Chioda speaking and really showing some sincerity was a nice touch. They really try to hide referees most of the time, but they are employees. It was different and added another dimension to how much this "seemed real." I loved how they gave a lot of different people a lot of time to talk and speak their minds. They invested so much time into this, and capped it off with a great Jerry Lawler speech. Also, the ending was completely new, completely original, and absolutely brilliant. They showed the cameramen walk off, the announcers, the referees, and all of the superstars. Having a camera drop, having basically one shot the rest of the night gave off a sense of realism. It is so hard to get people to buy into something to make it real, even if its a shoot. We never know that fine line. They did all they could with it, and the last part I enjoyed was Jim Ross leaving. He, who was brought back by Triple H and seen as his buddy, walked out as well.

What I Disliked:

Not having guys like Cena, Orton, and Punk in the back was absolutely ridiculous. They needed to have every single superstar out there to give off the sense that this is bigger than them. It would not affect their personalities, popularity, or have any negative reaction towards them. Other than that, which I felt like a big missing piece, the end was great.

Grade of Segment: C+

Overall Grade of Raw: C+. Needed more meaningful action and continued growth between feuds. Besides the one angle to end Raw, nothing came out of it that will go on next week.

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, Over.



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