Title This: WWE Hell in a Cell Rapid Reaction

We see Miz and Truth attacking Air Boom, as Triple H is arguing with Lauranitis. They find Miz and Truth, get security, and have them escorted out of the locker room.

Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix for the WWE Divas Championship

What I Liked:

Finally, we get Phoenix winning the title. Kelly Kelly did get some offensive moves in, and hit a few new moves. Phoenix controlled in the ring with her strength. I do like the submission move, as it looks painful. Glam Slam for the win had to be done, because no Diva kicks out of it.

What I Disliked:

Why do you need a dirty win? Have Phoenix win clean, please. A microphone shot to the head was just a lazy attempt at trying to make them cheat to win. Kelly Kelly looks weak whether she wins or loses when matched up with someone much bigger and stronger than her. The match did show a few missed moves, specifically the reversals from Kelly Kelly.

Grade of Match: C


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