Title This: Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-23-2011

Justin Gabriel vs. Wade Barrett Review:

Barrett slugs away at Slater, ties Gabriel in the ropes, and connects with knees. He hits a huge boot to Gabriel’s face, sending him to the outside. Gabriel sends Barrett to the outside, and hits a flying body splash. Both men are back in the ring, as Gabriel hits a beautiful Lionsault. He kicks Barrett in the chest, and heads up to the top. Barrett stops him with a boot to the face, and hits Wasteland for the victory.


A quick match with some good spots. Barrett is a powerful guy who relies on grounding his opponent with knees and boots. He needs to expand his move set a little bit, so he does not get too repetitive. Gabriel hit his flying moves very well, and continues to impress me. Along with Barrett, he has a few weaknesses. He does not have much power, and can easily become a one trick pony. I do feel he is entertaining and good at his craft. A solid, average, and good match on Smackdown. This segment gets a C.

Matt Striker interviews Randy Orton, who says Hell is not a bad place to be, especially if he can win the World Heavyweight Championship again.

Christian continues to look for help, this time with Ezekiel Jackson

Beth Phoenix and Natayla vs. Kaitlyn and A.J. Review:

Natalya and Kaitlyn start it off, with a dropkick by Kaitlyn. Natalya chokes her, as Phoenix hits a cheap slap in her face. Phoenix gets the tag, and they double team Kaitlyn with a suplex. Kaitlyn fights back, and here comes AJ. She hits a running clothesline, and hits a dropkick to Phoenix’s knees. She connects with a dropkick onto Phoenix’s knee. Phoenix revereses AJ, and connects with a Glam Slam


A slow match with nothing to take out of it. They can beat the average divas, but they get booked to lose to Kelly Kelly? It does not make sense how we are supposed to take them seriously. It is frustrating to see where they are going with this storyline. The match itself was just okay, with Beth and Natayla not really showing a lot of their offensive moves. This segment gets a D.


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