Title This: WWE Night of Champions Reaction

CM Punk vs Triple H in a No DQ Match

What I liked:

The Ice Cream Bar T-shirt was very clever. I loved when Punk interrupted Triple H's spitting, as it took the match off very quickly. The match felt physical and personal between the two, as they fought anywhere and everywhere. The best spot was the elbow drop from Punk onto Triple H through a table. Also, it was more of a fight than a match, which needed to be done. They used many external weapons while fighting on the outside, such as trash cans, guard rails, and even the set on stage. They worked well together in and out of the ring, as both men execute their offense effectively. Punk did not have to carry Triple H, as Triple H still can go.

What I disliked:

First off, how terrible was it not hearing Michael Cole? I take him for granted sometimes, especially when a match of this magnitude is told by Booker and Lawler. When Miz and Truth came in, I did not mind it, but I did mind how long they were out there for. Let them come in, do their thing and leave. They focused too much on them for an extended period of time. This killed the pace of the match, and slowed EVERYTHING down. The Pedigree on Punk was nice, but there was still too much going on the outside. John Lauranitis coming out was interesting, but you could tell he wanted to screw Triple H. Again, the match is between Triple H and Punk, and we lost complete understanding of that after Lauranitis, Miz, and Truth came out. We then see a text from Lauranitis, which brings out Nash. He attacks both guys, and then focuses on Triple H. What confuses me after is Punk stopped Nash from beating down Triple H. Why? He is trying to help you, even if he already attacked you. Finally, order is restored to some extent. Nash gets hit with a sledgehammer, and Triple H ends up winning. What was the point of all of these guys coming out if Triple H won? Apparently we needed to be seen that it takes more than 5 guys to overtake the power that H has. It was sloppy, did not work, and killed what was a good match. We knew interference was going to happen but this was too much going on to murder a story that was being told in the ring.

Length of Match: 28 minutes

Grade of Match: C


Night of Champions was average at best. Nothing stood out to me that changed anything, maybe besides Mark Henry winning the World Title. Matches were not given enough time, and was lazy booking. Some will say it is building to Survivor Series, but we have TWO more Pay Per Views in a month span before that. Hell in a Cell is two weeks away, which is just ridiculous. We had two title changes, but no mid card title. Shocked to see Ziggler walk away with the belt, as he needs to move on with other feuds. Cena is better as the chaser than the champion, and an era of Mark Henry begins…

Quick note: The World Heavyweight Champion has changed hands FIVE times since May. The WWE Championship has changed hands SIX times. Where is the consistency?

Overall: Night of Champions earns a C grade.

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Check back tomorrow for Raw Reaction.



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