Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 9-15-2011

Sting vs. Ric Flair Review:

Sting shoves Flair, but Flair gets up and shoves Sting into the corner. They go back and forth, trying to best one another. Flair gets to the ropes to break a submission hold, and both men exchange chops to the chest. Sting punches away at Flair until Flair kicks him in the stomach. Flair gets thrown off the top turnbuckle, in classic Flair style. Both men go outside the ring, and Sting gets whipped into the guardrail. Sting clotheslines Flair, and both men enter the ring. Sting hits ten punches to Flair’s head in the corner, but Flair connects with a low blow, as the referee was distracted. Sting and Flair exchange chops once again. Flair reverses a Stinger Splash by moving out of the way, and chopping down Sting. Flair tries for the figure four but Sting flips over Flair to turn the submission move around onto Flair’s legs. As Sting gets to his feet, he stops Flair from going up top, and hits a superplex on Flair. He goes for the pin, and out comes Immortal. Sting begins to fight them off. Mr. Anderson runs out with a chair and chases Bully Ray out of the ring and to the back. Hogan throws in a pair of brass knuckles for Flair. He hits Sting in theh head, but Sting kicks out after a two count. Sting hits a Stinger Splash and locks in the Scorpion Deathlock. Flair taps out, as Hogan looks on from the stage.


Not an awful match between Sting and Flair. Obviously, you will not see a five star match. Flair is aging, which is not a shocker, but he did just okay. He was slow and relied on his chops and Sting being able to carry the match. They really need to work on phasing out the veterans who cannot go, and rely on Flair to give you a main event match. Overall, the match showed a lack of creativity, and more of hanging their hat on something that was special 15 years ago.  They tried, but failed in my eyes. This segment gets a C. Average at best, but nothing more.


Impact Wrestling delivered storyline building to Bound For Glory. Aside from no X Division match, no RVD or Anderson in the ring, this show was average. Roode is a star who will benefit from this storyline, which I actually like. I do not think he will win at BFG, unless they are serious about building up their next star. Having Sting and Flair finish was average because of the names on the marquee. The match was less to be desired for. I really do like Pope and Devon continuing to get better as a tag team, but I doubt they will be around for a long time. Also, Giving time to backstage segments was good this week, because they did not over expose any particular wrestler, but added Hogan a few times, added Bischoff like usual, and kept most of the action in the ring. Impact Wrestling gets a C.

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.





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