Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 9-1-2011

Sting vs. Kurt Angle for the World Heavyweight Championship with Hogan as the Special Enforcer Review:

Sting starts the match off applying a headlock onto Angle. Sting hits a hip toss, slides onto the outside and looks at Hogan. Angle begins to pound away at Sting’s body with punches and kicks, until Sting takes Angle to the outside and slams his head into the steel steps. Hogan yells at them to get inside, as Angle hits a belly to belly suplex and locks in a sleeper hold. Sting hits a DDT, gets a two count. Both men battle back and forth, trying to get the offensive advantage, until Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock. Hogan yells for Immortal to come out. Gunner comes out, but the ref cuts him off. The ref does not see Angle tapping out. Hogan hits Sting in the chest with a chair. Angle hits an Angle Slam after the distraction, and makes the three count to keep the title. Hogan and Angle celebrate, but Sting gets up and knocks Angle out of the ring. He begins to stalk Hogan and backs Hogan in the corner. Bully Ray and Immortal come out to beat on Sting. Mr. Anderson rushes down to help clear the ring with a baseball bat. Impact ends with Immortal retreating.


A decent match, but I have seen better from Angle and Sting. This had that Main Event feel of it, with both men getting a lot of time to work on their opponents. You had the climax whenever Sting had the Death Lock in and Immortal made its way out. I knew Immortal was going to interfere, but the way they did it was sloppy. Hogan hits Sting with a chair, and then Angle hits a Angle Slam? Why would you think it is realistic for Sting to feel more pain from a slam than a chair? That confused me, because, again, you need to be realistic when writing your scripts. The match had a big fight pace, back and forth, with Angle controlling the ground work, as Sting hit his arsenal of moves. I wish the ending would have turned out more sensable, but I guess that is why Impact Wresting is “Impact Wrestling. This segment gets a C. Nothing special, and I cannot stand not seeing Ray after a week or two of being prominent in a storyline. Also, not seeing Anderson besides a few run ins and just throwing him together to save Sting. Why would he save Sting? Give us more depth in your story telling.


Impact Wrestling features a title change, a solid X Division tag team match, a great Daniels and Styles match with a bad ending, and a Main Event that ended poorly. The action was good, it was exciting at times, but the endings to most matches confused me and made me wonder what are they thinking? Storylines and plot schemes are so essential when trying to build a program, and they continue to lack episodic television that makes you want more. I will give this show a C+ because I will not lie when I say the wrestling inside the ropes was great, but the outcomes were not. Good to see James win the Knockout Championship, and I continue to want more from RVD in a storyline other than re hashing old flames. Let’s hope something better comes our way next week with logical sense.

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