Title This: WWE Super Smackdown Reaction 8-30-2011

Title This: WWE Super Smackdown Reaction 8-30-11

Opening Segment Review:

John Cena starts off Smackdown, talking about Alberto Del Rio. He also talks about being on Smackdown again, and the usual Cena stuff. Ricardo Rodriguez comes out to talk about Del Rio not being here, and continues to yell Alberto Del Rio until John Cena punches Ricardo and sends him off. Out comes Wade Barrett, who talks about Smackdown being his show and how John Cena has not learned a thing. Wade walks down the ramp, and our first match is next.


The beginning of this show was alright, nothing too important. Obviously the work visa of Del Rio is still causing problems. Shouldn't they be on top of this beforehand? It is a multi million dollar company with men under contract. Real life, they should be able to work this out, because not seeing Del Rio waters down the rivalry, especially after Del Rio brutally attacking Cena. Couldn't they record something from Del Rio? Anything to get his face seen. I like how Barrett comes out to talk to Cena and get this night underway. Not too bad, but not amazing. This segment gets a C.

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett Review:

Both men slug away at one another. Barrett hits a few offensive moves. Cena hits his clotheslines, shoulder blocks, and hitting the five knuckle shuffle. He finishes off Barrett with the Attitude Adjustment for the win.


What the hell was this? No build, no actual match just basically Cena squashing Barrett. I expected much, much more between these two. There was no point of this match other than having Cena be seen on Smackdown. Give it more time, make it interesting. Why wouldn't you give this more opportunities for a great match. I scratch my head wondering why was this even advertised as a main event. This segment gets a D.

Backstage Review:

Mark Henry is in the back with Matt Striker who asks him about being the number one contender. He says whoever wins will join the hall of pain. He also talks about the steel cage match ending careers.


I liked this because Henry needs to be known to everyone that he, not Christian, will be in the main event at Night of Champions. He is the number one heel, and it seems like the feud of Orton and Christian is winding down, hopefully ending tonight. This was good enough to have him seen, giving this segment a B.


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