Randy Orton: “Well F**K You, I Gotta Get Up At Five!”

After the pictures, Josh kept talking to Ken. Both of them at the time, Packers and Bret Favre fans (I’d love to hear that conversation today).  While they chatted about Favre, I again stood in the hall with Orton as he picked back up with his Kennedy chants and was beginning to speak to me in a louder more conversational voice. It was loud for a hotel hallway at this time of night, but what was really over the top was the screams of “Kennedy” being really loud. It was then that in the words of Jim Ross,
“business was about to pick up.”

An older lady who was a couple doors down, opened her door to direct her attention at Orton and I to complain how loud we were being at this late time. Her final sentence in her rant was “I have to be up early for a flight.” It was then that Randy, as he was putting a piece of gum in his mouth, gave her those viper like eyes and tossed his hands out to the side and screamed “Well F**K you, I gotta get up at five.” He tossed the pack of gum to the ground as he threw his hands out both with a serious and yet childish look on his face. The lady said “If you don’t be quiet I am going to call security.” Orton began to pump his fists, move them in a motion of being about arms length out in front of him and pull them in like he was challenging her to a fight. The lady slammed the door while mumbling some choice words for Orton.

Seconds later, the staff person of the hotel arrived on the floor to unlock the door. I still think that the staff member would have
had to heard this going on as he came up the elevator, but was either a fan or too intimidated to call security on
the 6-foot-5 superstar.

At the time, it was standard to the other stories that were going around about Orton and his reputation. Perhaps that’s part of
the reason that I never wrote on the Internet about it because at the time, Orton’s actions were about as routine as him
giving an RKO each night.  It was just meant to happen. I laugh at it now. Maybe because its been two years and I still remember
so much about the night.  Or that Randy and Ken were on the road together, and they were in a WWE ring together for Ken’s
final minutes with the company.

Regardless of how they (mostly Orton) came off to anyone else, both of them were great to me and Josh. They provided us
some pictures, a good story, and a personable experience that made us cheer for them just a bit more.

Be sure to check out the exclusive interview with RVD here on WZ by watching “The Chair Shot Reality.”

Any comments, questions, fan or hate mail can be sent to justin.labar@yahoo.com

As always, I appreciate you reading.