The Biz: Why So Serious?…and Jeff Hardy Feedback

Fellow Wrestlezone columnist Anthony Mango McMichael writes:
Great article, Nick. You definitely hit the nail on the head about Jeff’s potential to be another name on the list of the fallen wrestlers. Its pretty sad how we’ve grown so accustomed to those circumstances to where the phrase "wrestling tragedy" is about as common as Michael Cole saying "vintage". Hopefully Vince remembers that offer he once had on the table to pay for any former wrestler’s rehab, cause Jeff clearly needs it. He doesn’t owe it to his fans to do such, he owes it to himself.
Anthony Grapefruit,
Man, Michael Cole says “vintage” way too much. I’ve actually invented a drinking game where I do a shot every time he says it. I’m trashed by the end of Raw. But you’re right when you say he doesn’t owe us anything. But he does owe himself and his family and friends. Hopefully he realizes that.