The Biz: Hell In A Cell Thoughts (as they happen!)

Jericho and Big Show come out first for their Tag Title defense against Batista and Mysterio. Is there a new rule where the Champions come out first? Punk did it too, but at least that made sense because The Undertaker ALWAYS comes out last.
This crowd does not care about Batista and Rey-Rey. I actually have high hopes for this match though. Hopefully Mysterio and Jericho get a lot of ring time against each other.
Well, they’re starting things off, which is good.
Wow. Big Show lifted Rey Mysterio up to headbutt him. He’s so freakin big…Then he actually slapped Mysterio out of the ring, and then palmed his head to bring him back in the ring. Cool spots.
Jericho went after Rey’s mask again, which was a nice nod to the past. Batista gets the hot tag and the people really do not like him.
You’ve got to hand it to WWE, they’re really trying to build up the Tag Titles. Four former World Champions are in the ring battling to be the Tag Team Champions.
You’ve also got to hand it to Chris Jericho. He made Big Show interesting. Kudos to both men.
Really cool spot with Mysterio trying the 619 on Jericho, Jericho moving, causing Mysterio to hit Big Show. Then Mysterio kicks Jericho onto Big show, who catches him, and then Big Show is speared by Batista.
The end came when Mysterio attempted the West Coast Pop on Big Show, only to be hit with Big Show’s knockout punch. Very cool spot in a very passable match. Solid effort by all parties involved.
Now would be the perfect time for Batista to turn heel and powerbomb Mysterio. The crowd’s booing him anyway; it would be perfect!