Charlie Sheen In Pro Wrestling, 3/3/11, Undertaker’s Music

Watch Justin LaBar on the Chair Shot Reality only on Wrestlezone

I’m shocked Charlie Sheen hasn’t shown up on TNA! Could you imagine him being a mouthpiece for a wrestler. Charlie Sheen cutting promos…..WINNING!

Seriously Dixie, if you are gonna pay the cast of Jersey Shore thousands of dollars, surely if you let Charlie pick what contents from Jeff Hardy’s carry on bag he would like and 2 TNA Knockouts of his choice, you’ll have a deal. Why stop there, let him have a match. That will sell some PPV’s! Charlie Sheen in a first blood…..I mean first tigers blood match! WINNING!

If it was 1999, McMahon would have gotten Sheen for WrestleMania! Can’t do it in todays WWE. Yabba Dabba Bitch you can get away with, lines of coke off of Bree Olson’s cleavage is the ultimate Public Relations final exam.

So I was at this weeks Smackdown taping. The show keeps getting better. It is the road to WrestleMania so it should be better programming than when they first moved to SyFy.

Alberto Del Rio is fantastic! His style in the ring isn’t always my particular taste but I get so caught up in his mannerisms and character that I still enjoy watching him. 100% that he should and will walk out of WrestleMania 27 with the title.

The Undertaker is now coming out to the sound of the gong followed by the Johnny Cash song as his entrance music. I’ve seen easily 3 dozen Undertaker entrances in my life and this one stands out. The typical fire and display but the sound of the song in a dark arena with a WrestleMania match in the near future got me caught in the moment.

Sin Cara (Mistico) is now a part of the WWE. I don’t know much about him. I have seen his finisher which is becoming popular on youtube, I suggest you check it out. I recall when I was in Mexico in February of 2010, I did make friends with some nice Mexican guys who I had met that are fans of pro wrestling. They talked about Rey Myserio and knew many of the popular wrestlers in the States such as Cena and The Undertaker. During my wrestling conversations with them I did hear the name Mistico when some of them talked about Mexican stars who have not been exposed to the American crowd. I didn’t think much of it at the time but now am trying to get a hold of some of those Mexican natives to get more information for their fan perspective of the newly named Sin Cara.

Edge and Christian pulled out a 5 second pose after Smackdown went off the air this past week. What a great moment that was. I have always preferred E&C during their time together versus any stage of their respective singles careers. What if Christian were to cost Edge the belt at WrestleMania? Del Rio gets the dirty win as he should to capture the belt and Smackdown gets to showcase a feud that many certainly would draw interest.

So the 3-3-11 angle courtesy of TNA has brought out a lot of negative feedback. Scratch that, all negative feedback. I haven’t heard or read a serious positive reaction to the vignettes. How minor league can you make yourself look??

Yes, nothing is original in mainstream wrestling. Everything has been done before. Stories are recycled and promotions try their best (usually) to package and present the idea in a different way. At the end of the day, its not a totally original concept. The same with wrestling gimmicks. But come on TNA…..Really? Really? Really? (I just took one of The Miz’s phrases to make my point about nothing being original)

TNA can try to say 3-3-11 was done with a sense of parody or to mock the WWE, but reality is they just gave even more ammunition to an already smoking gun of criticism.

I think one of my favorite on screen personalities may be back in front of the camera eventually! A great one in a dying role. Everybody listen….haha….to me!

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So much of this and more will be talked about on this weekends Chair Shot Reality only on Wrestlezone!

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