Johnny Gargano
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

5 Best Moments From NXT TakeOver: New York

Photo Credit: WrestleZone, Velveteen Dream at NXT ‘Takeover: Chicago’ 2018

NXT Takeover: New York kicked off WrestleMania weekend and what a show it was. As with every Takeover, with just around five matches on the card, every single one delivered in their own way, already making it rank up as one of the best Takeover events of all time What NXT Takeover does right is not only the runtime of the show but they also manage to space it out well, with each match building pace in its own right.

The fact that the superstars are given time and matches get to go on quite long means that they really get to tell a story and showcase their true skills. Out of five matches, two of them had exceeded half an hour, but even then, it was hard to notice that. There really wasn’t much that went wrong with the event, which is why we look at the five best moments.

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