WWE Fastlane Results

5 Times The Wrong Superstar Won At WWE Fastlane

(Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)

#4.) Ryback, Kane & The Big Show vs The Wyatt Family – 2016

This match itself felt more like a filler match on a PPV card, but even then, WWE managed to squander an opportunity. Instead of giving the younger and hotter Wyatt family the win, they decided to give the babyface team a win that they didn’t even need in the first place. Worst part of it was the fact that they had a rematch the next day, which saw Ryback walk out on his team and The Wyatt family get their win back.

It was a typical example of WWE’s love for 50/50 booking at the time.

Next Page: 5 times the wrong superstar won at WWE Fastlane