#5.) Less reliance on part-timers
The less the product relies on part-time legends and champions, the better. For the last few years, part-timers have been coming in-and-out when they please and hog the spotlight at the main shows and then leave for another many months or even a year. With cases like John Cena, you can make an exception because he’s done a great job in putting over younger superstars over the last few years.
But to center, a product around a superstar like Brock Lesnar has severely hampered the product. His reign as Universal Champion reached such a point that people were desperate for anyone to take it off him and were glad when Roman Reigns finally did. It’s one of those cases where you don’t value something until it’s gone, and Roman Reigns falls into that category.
The product was much better without Lesnar being at the center of things without actually showing up. It’s time for WWE to start focusing on younger stars reaching that level.
Next Page: 5 creative changes WWE needs to make in 2019