1. Randy Orton
This was the first match that came to mind when the idea of Jay Lethal in the WWE was suggested.
Jay Lethal is as smooth as any performer on the independents and the only person who is more fluid in his actions is Randy Orton.
You can tell a simple story over championships or even a battle of ‘cutter’ finishers. I genuinely believe that if at the right event, with the right story, this match could be one of the better matches of any given year.
Admittedly, this is one pitched scenario that I think Jay Lethal would ultimately have to lose but hanging with Randy Orton and even a possible Victory would put him in high standard and great regard throughout WWE. It’s a win-win all around.
That’s my list. What do you think? Feel free to sound off in the comments or bother me overall on Twitter @dudefelice