cody rhodes
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Cody Rhodes’ 5 Best Matches In WWE

Cody Rhodes’ 5 Best Matches In WWE
Photo Credit: Getty Images

#4.) w/ Ted Dibiase Jr. vs DX – Hell In A Cell 2009

This Hell In A Cell match was the culmination of the DX vs Legacy feud. They had defeated DX at Breaking Point in a submissions match, so what better way to find out who was better than at Hell In A Cell?

The psychology of the match was off the charts, with Legacy locking Triple H out of the cell for a good portion of time. Legacy would beat down Michaels until Triple H used bolt cutters to enter the Cell. It was a fantastic main event that saw Rhodes get pinned after a sledgehammer to the head. The young up-and-comers truly held their own and proved that they belonged in the main event.

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