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WWE RAW Results (8/13): Heyman’s Master Plan Revealed, Dean Ambrose Returns, Final Hype For SummerSlam, More

WWE Raw Results 

August 13th, 2018
Report By Lovell Porter for

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RAW Preview & Discussion Thread: Can The B-Team B-Eat The Odds?, Alexa On The Run From Ronda, More

In Ring Segment: Ronda Rousey

Rousey takes a moment to gather her thoughts before announcing to the crowd that Natalya’s father Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart passed away. Rousey says some kind words about Anvil and fathers in general. Rousey is fighting back tears. Rousey tells Natty to stay strong and that we all love her. A “Natty” chant breaks out. Rousey says Natty was the first person to befriend her when she arrived in WWE. Rousey says she is going to be Alexa Bliss at SummerSlam for the Raw Women’s title. Rousey introduces the women that will be beating Bliss tonight, Ember Moon. Moon joins Rousey in the ring and they hug. Bliss and Alicia Fox come out on the ramp. Bliss tells Rousey to make all the friends she wants but her good times are going to come to an end. Bliss says she is a five-time women’s champion and Rousey has only had three matches.

Rousey is everything Bliss said she is: an overhyped rookie. Bliss says she is tired of that stupid face Rousey makes week after week as well. Bliss is tired of Kurt Angle not protecting her the way he protects Brock Lesnar. Bliss spoke with Baron Corbin and he suggested Bliss hire security. The security stands between Rousey and Bliss in the ring. Bliss pushes Moon into Rousey, which sends Rousey falling off the apron. Rousey takes off her jacket and charges into the ring. The security guards stand in the way. Rousey destroys three of the security guard. When Rousey turns and looks at the only one left standing, he shakes his head “no” and runs out of the ring. Fox tries to block Bliss but Rousey judo throws Fox down to the mat. Bliss retreats out of the ring.