jerry lawler
Photo by Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images

Jerry Lawler Says Hulk Hogan’s Removal From The WWE HOF Was An Overreaction, Says It’s A No Brainer Hogan Returns To TV

Jerry The King Lawler recently spoke with The Roman Show at the Florida Supercon this past weekend. Lawler says he thinks Hulk Hogan being removed from was blown way out of proportion, and says there’s no truth to claims that Hogan is a racist.

Lawler said:

“Well, no, I am not shocked at all. I was shocked that while he wasn’t in the WWE Hall of Fame. I think the whole thing was blown out of proportion. I’ve known Hulk Hogan his entire career, and for the claims of him being a racist it is never—there’s not one ounce truth to that at all. Like I said I’ve known the guy my whole life and he is a really good guy, and I just felt it was an overreaction that he wasn’t in the WWE Hall Of Fame. We have to be so politically correct these days, and honestly I think we go too far overboard being politically correct.

“I am happy that he is back. Hopefully they’ll [WWE] renew a working relationship with Hulk. Let’s face it—without a doubt he is the most popular WWE superstar of all time. It’s only right he should still be in the Hall of Fame, and it’s only right that he should be working with the WWE.”

Lawler said he thinks it’s a ‘no-brainer’ that Hogan returns to WWE TV, saying he’s sure Hogan and WWE both want that, and that anything can happen in WWE.

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