New Japan Road To Wrestling Dontaku (4/27) Goto/Robinson in Huge NEVER Title Match

new japan
Photo Credit: New Japan Pro Wrestling

FIRST MATCH: Yuya Uemura vs. Ren Narita

Narita used his expirience to dominate the opening of this match. Using hiptosses and dropkicks, Narita assaulted the midsection of Uemura. As Narita tired, Uemura was able to hit a dropkick and corner his opponent with vicious chops. Narita locked in the Boston Crab, but Uemura fought to the ropes.

Narita used a back body drop and more throws to weaken Uemura further. Narita locked the Boston Crab in again. Narita submitted.

WINNER: Ren Narita.

SECOND MATCH: Shota Umino, Tomoyuki Oka & Yuji Nagata vs. Taguchi Japan (Ryusuke Taguchi, Tiger Mask & Jushin “Thunder” Liger)

The match opened with Oka being kicked and tested by Tiger Mask. Then Liger came in to beat on Oka, followed by Taguchi. Eventually Oka was able to tag in Nagata who cleared house, and then had a showdown with Taguchi, that at one point saw Nagata catch Taguchi in mid-air and perform a Belly To Belly Suplex.

After thoroughly beating on Taguchi, Umino tags in. Umino hits a Missile Dropkick for a nearfall. Umino locks Taguchi in the Boston Crab, but Tiger Mask breaks it up. Umino finally locks in La Magistral, and Taguchi still kicks out.

Taguchi hits a Hip Attack on Umino for a nearfall. He then follows up with an enziguri. Taguchi hits Dodon and gets the pinfall on Shota Umino.

WINNERS: Ryusuke Taguchi, Tiger Mask & Jushin “Thunder” Liger.

THIRD MATCH: Roppongi 3K (Sho, Yoh & Rocky Romero) vs. Suzuki-gun (TAKA Michinoku, Taichi & Takashi Iizuka)

Roppongi 3K assaulted Suzuki-gun to start the match. After brawling on the outside, Suzuki-gun eventually gained the upperhand. Roppongi 3K showed a lot of fire, trying to finally defeat Suzuki-gun definitively. Despite 3K’s efforts, Suzuki-gun were up to their old tricks, Iizuka chewed on people, TAKA was a cheating sneak, and Taichi was Taichi. Miho Abe to added to the mayhem. Suzuki-gun dragged everyone into the crowd, but Romero beat the count at 19.

Eventually, after ducking every Iron Glove shot from Iizuka, Sho got his hands on the Iron Glove and hit Iizuka with it. Sho & Yoh then hit TAKA with 3K for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Roppongi 3K

FOURTH MATCH: David Finlay, Toa Henare, Togi Makabe & Michael Elgin vs. CHAOS (Jay White, Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & YOSHI-HASHI)

Makabe and Yano started, but that quickly devolved into Makabe beating Yano senseless. Henare and Ishii continue their blood feud. Henare continuing to be stopped in his tracks by the Stone Pitbull.

After Ishii and Henare have sufficiently pummeled each other, Jay White and David Finlay take their turn. White gets the better of a flurry of strikes and hits a Uranage Backbreaker. Both men tag out, and the inexplicable rivalry between Michael Elgin & YOSHI-HASHI continues. A brawl on the outside erupts, and Elgin hits a Tope Con Hiro, taking out everyone. An apron powerbomb, Buckle Bomb, and Elgin Bomb spell the end for Yoshi-Hashi, as Elgin picks up the win for his team.

WINNERS: Togi Makabe, Toa Henare, David Finlay & Michael Elgin.