WrestleMania 34 Results: Brock, Rousey, Undertaker and More

WWE WrestleMania Results 

April 8th, 2018
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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WWE WrestleMania Results – 04/08/18
Photo Credit: WWE


Pre Show:

André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Everyone is already in the ring. No entrances. Aiden English has been eliminated.Fandango eliminated Curt Hawkins. R-Truth and Goldust shake in the middle of the ring. R-Truth starts to dance but Goldust tosses him over the top. R-Truth has been eliminated. Goldust dabs on R-Truth. Primo is eliminated by Baron Corbin. Mike Kanellis is eliminated on the other side of the ring. Shelton Benjamin eliminates Tyler Breeze after a high knee to the face. Zack Ryder is about to hit the Broski boot on Ziggler but Mojo Rawley pounces Ryder sending him over the top rope. Zack Ryder has been eliminated. Gable sends Karl Anderson over the top Karl Anderson has been eliminated. Titus O’Neil hits a big boot that sends Luke Gallows out of the ring. Gallows has been eliminated. After the break, The Revival sends Apollo over the top. Apollo has been eliminated. The revival dump Shelton Benjamin and Rhyno over the top. Benjamin and Rhyno are officially eliminated. The Miztourage clotheslines both members ofRevivalevial over the top. The Revival has been eliminated.

Kane tosses out Fandango and both members of the Miztourage. Fandango and the Miztourage have been eliminated. Corbin tosses out Sin Cara and Chad Gable. Sin Cara and Chad Gable have been eliminated. Ziggler superkicks O’Neil then clotheslines him over the top. Titus O’Neil has been eliminated. Goldust sets up both Dillinger and Ziggler for Shattered Dreams. Goldust hits it on Dillinger. When Goldust tries it on Ziggler, Ziggler backdrops him over the top. Matt Hardy and Dillinger have a Delete/10 off in the ring. Hardy dumps Dillinger. Dillinger has been eliminated. Kane dumps out Ziggler. Corbin dumps out Kane. Ziggler and Kane have been eliminated. Corbin and Rawley team up and beat down Hardy. The lights go out and Bray Wyatt appears. Wyatt sends Rawley into Hardy so Hardy can toss him over the top. Mojo Rawley has been eliminated. Corbin hits the End of Days on Wyatt. Hardy sends Corbin over the top for the win!

Winner- Matt Hardy

After the match, Hardy thanks Wyatt. Wyatt and  Hardy hug and pose together.

Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Finals: Cedric Alexander vs Mustafa Ali

Go behind by Alexander. Ali sends Alexander into the rope. Alexander drops Ali with a shoulder block. After a tackle spot, Ali takes Alexander over with a hurricanrana. Ali and Alexander get tied up in the ropes. Alexander and Ali push each other. Ali slaps Alexander. Alexander kicks Ali in the gut. Backflip head scissors by Alexander. Ali pops to his feet and eats a dropkick by Alexander. Alexander sends Ali into the ropes. Ali hits a pop-up dropkick. Alexander sends Ali over the top rope. Alexander hits a topé con hilo onto Ali. Alexander gets a near fall. Roaring European uppercut by Alexander. Alexander tosses Ali high in the air with a back body drop. Ali surprises Alexander with a back elbow. Head kick by Ali. Ali hits the roll through facebuster for a near fall. Alexander is staggered by a kick to the head by Ali. Ali bounces off the ropes and runs right into a snap Spanish Fly by Alexander. Alexander charges in and eats a boot by Ali.
