WWE Smackdown Live Results (2/13) Owens And Zayn Wreak Havoc, Fastlane Main Event Official, More!

WWE Smackdown Live Results – 02/13/18WWE Smackdown Live Results
February 13th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin (Winner is added to the main event of Fastlane)

As Ziggler waits for Corbin to join him in the ring he never comes out. Backstage, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are beating down Baron Corbin. After they Super Best Friends layout Corbin, Owens says one down, one more to go. Owens and Zayn make their way to ringside. Ziggler tries to leave but Zayn cuts him off. Owens and Zayn swarm Ziggler. Owens and Zayn dismantle Ziggler in the crowd. Owens tosses Ziggler over the barricade back to ringside. Ziggler tries to fight back but the numbers are too much. Owens lifts Ziggler to his feet. Zayn hits a Helluva Kick, sending Ziggler careening to the mat. As Owens and Zayn walk up the ramp Corbin appears and attacks them. Owens sends Corbin into the barricade. Officials pull Owens and Zayn off Corbin.
