Photo Credit: Reby Hardy

WZ Forum Files #2: Will ‘Woken’ Matt Hardy Be A Success In WWE?

WZ Forum Files #2: Will ‘Woken’ Matt Hardy Be A Success?
Photo Credit: Cagesideseats

Welcome back to the WZ Forum Files! 

Every now and then we’ll present a hot topic on wrestling for discussion in the WZ Forums. The topic will be open for a set amount of time and at the end, the best responses will be presented in an article here on the main site.  We’ve already presented the topic and have the best responses right here. 

Here’s the latest WZ Forum Files topic:

Earlier this week, Matt Hardy debuted his Awoken persona in WWE, which is pretty much the same thing as the amazing Broken character from Impact Wrestling. Word on the street is that Vince McMahon is a big backer of the new character, which could mean some great things for Matt.

What are your thoughts on this new character and where it’s going? Is it good? Bad? A big mistake? Hardy’s ticket to the main event?

The full thread with many more responses can be found HERE

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