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WWE NXT Results – 11/01/17WWE NXT Results

November 1st, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Taynara Conti vs Nikki Cross

As soon as the bell rings Cross cross body blocks Conti. Conti counters into a mount. Cross turns the tables and Conti high tails it out of the ring. Cross follows. Conti hops up on the apron. Cross trips Conti into the ring skirt. Cross unloads on Conti until the referee tells Cross she is going to get disqualified. Conti catches Cross with a stiff kick. Conti traps Cross’ arm. Conti stomps on Cross’ arm. Cross fires up and puts Conti in the tree of whoa. Cross stomps Conti in the corner. Scorpion death drop by Cross. Cross hits the Three Handled Moss Covered Family Credenza for the win.

Winner- Nikki Cross