WWE Smackdown Results (8/29): Orton & Nakamura Team Up in Main Event, Kevin Owens Responds to Shane McMahon, US Title Open

wwe smackdown results

WWE Smackdown Results

August 29th, 2017
Report By Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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Tom Phillips welcomes us to Smackdown Live from Little Rock, Arkansas alongside JBL and Byron Saxton. Just announced, WWE Champion Jinder Mahal will team with Rusev to take on Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura in tonight’s main event, plus the fallout of Kevin Owens losing his final chance at the United States title and more.

In-Ring Segment

The Singh brothers kick off the show and introduce the Modern Day Maharaja, Jinder Mahal. The champion makes his way out and claims that he will showcase his dominance against two of his greatest rivals later on tonight. He trashes America and complains about getting no respect as the greatest champion of the continent of Asia, and is sick of the xenophobia he receives at every airport and arena. Jinder says that somebody must pay the price for all the disrespect and demands a sacrifice. The Singh brothers grovel and apologize for failing the champion in recent weeks, as well as the 1.3 million people in India, as one of them starts crying.

They go on and on, and on, and on crying about how much they’ve failed Jinder, and literally beg to kiss his royal feet in reparation for the wrongs they have committed. This is super awkward. Finally Shinsuke Nakamura’s music hits and the Artist makes his way down to save us all from this cringe-worthy segment. Nakamura enters the ring and immediately starts brawling with the champion but is quickly brought down by a three-on-one mugging. Right on cue Randy Orton sprints to the ring like a bat out of hell, but he’s met with a superkick from Rusev who came out of nowhere. Mahal laid out Nakamura with the Khallas as the quartet of villains stand over their victims.