(Photo by Mick Hutson/Redferns)

WWE Tokyo Live Event Results (7/1): Chris Jericho vs Finn Balor, Reigns Addresses the Live Crowd, Asuka In-Action, Hideo Itami and More

Wwe tokyo
(Photo by Mick Hutson/Redferns)

WWE Tokyo Night 2 Live Event Results
Tokyo, Japan
Results courtesy of WZ reader Cory Hays

Jojo (Ring Announcer) and Mike Rome (Host) welcome us to Day 2 of WWE in Tokyo.

Opening contest Finn Balor vs Chris Jericho:

The Japanese crowd pops for both men before the match begins. The match begins with both men fighting for control until Jericho throws Balor to the ground. Finn takes control and both men stare each other down. The Japanese crowd is really into this match. Jericho takes control once again with a drop kick to the outside. Jericho throws Balor into the barricade on the outside and then back into the ring. Jericho jumps off the rope and goes for a cover for a 2 count. Balor takes back control with a flip into a drop kick. Balor throws Jericho outside and hits him with a drop kick through the ropes and a knee on the apron. Jericho takes back control with a side slam into a 2 count. Balor then rolls up Jericho for a 2 count. Jericho responds with a 2 count of his own. Jericho clotheslines Balor and goes for his signature pin for a 2 count. The crowd screams for Y2J. Jericho throws Balor into the corner but Balor reverses and hits Jericho with running elbows. Balor throws Jericho into the corner and Jericho goes to the second rope and gets a pelee kick to the outside. Balor throws Jericho into the crowd and back into the ring. Balor goes for Coup de Grace but Jericho counters into a Walls attempt. Jericho hits the Lionsault but Balor gets the knees up. Balor goes for Coup de Grace again but Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho. Balor forces a rope break. Balor hits another pelee kick and they both battle with punches on their knees until Balor runs at Jericho in the corner. Jericho counters with the Codebreaker for a 2 count. The Japanese crowd chants this is awesome. Balor hits the sling blade followed by the drop kick into the corner. Balor hits the Coup de Grace for the win. Great match to start the night.

Tag Team Match

Heath Slater and Rhyno vs Titus O’Neil and Bo Dallas:

Slater starts off against Dallas. Slater starts by dancing and taking off his shirt and gets attacked by Dallas. Slater counters Dallas and takes control. Slater tags in Rhyno and they double team Dallas. Dallas runs to the outside. The crowd chants ECW at Rhyno. Dallas tags in Titus and Titus and Rhyno lock up. Titus throws Rhyno and they run at each other but don’t knock each other down. Titus calls for a lock up and both men show their strength. Titus takes control with a headbutt to Rhnyos shoulder. Titus whips Rhyno into the corner but Rhyno hits a shoulder tackle off the 2nd rope and tags in Slater. Slater attacks Titus in the corner and then hits Bo Dallas. Slater turns around and runs into a boot from Titus. Titus tags Dallas back in and Dallas goes to work and gets booed by the Japanese fans. Dallas tags Titus back in and they double team Slater in the corner. Titus hits a slam on Slater in the middle of the ring. Rhyno distracts Titus which allows Slater to hit a kick. Slater goes for the tag but gets hit by Dallas after Titus tags him. Rhyno yells do it for your kids and that gets Slater back up to get the hot tag to Rhyno. Rhyno and Titus back in. Rhyno takes control with a flying clothesline. Rhyno goes to the second rope and hits a sumo move on Titus. Dallas saves the pin attempt. Rhyno picks up the win with a spinebuster on Titus.

Enzo Amore vs Hideo Itami:
Hideo gets control early. Enzo does a spot where he grabs the ropes and hits a backflip to get out of a move but Hideo grabs him right away. Hideo throws Enzo off the ropes and Enzo hits a dropkick. Enzo gets a 2 count. Enzo has Hideo in the corner and starts punching but Hideo throws him off and hits an elbow to regain control. Hideo connects with a few kicks then a 2 count. Hideo hits a dropkick in the corner and calls for GTS. Big Cass comes out and takes out both Hideo and Enzo. Enzo pops Cass with the microphone and runs off the rope into a big boot. The crowd boos Big Cass. Big Cass says and you can’t teach that! Enzo lays lifeless in the ring and gets carried by refs to the back.

Triple Threat Match for the Cruiserweight Championship
Austin Aries vs Akira Tozawa vs Neville:
The crowd chants for Tozawa to begin the match. Neville leaves the ring. Tozawa and Aries grab the rope to allow Neville to get back in. Neville runs away again. The crowd boos. Tozawa and Aries begin the match and Aries takes control early with a hip toss into a dropkick. Neville comes back in and runs away again. Aries panders to the crowd by posing on the ropes. The crowd chants for Aries now. Tozawa hits a hurricanrana into a dropkick on Aries. Tozawa runs off the ropes but Neville grabs him. Tozawa runs off the ropes again and jumps through them into Neville. Aries jumps through the ropes into Tozawa. Aries hits a neck breaker on the middle rope on Tozawa and then a dropkick off the top for a 2 count. Tozawa gets up and exchanged slaps with Aries. Tozawa then flips and hits Aries with a knee followed by a senton for a 2 count. Neville comes back in and breaks it up and goes after Tozawa. The crowd boos Neville . Neville goes to the top rope and hits a dropkick for a 2 count. Nev ille won’t allow Aries back into the ring. Neville says Japanese suck which gets a really loud boo from the crowd. Neville gets Tozawa in Rings of Saturn but Aries makes the save. Aries goes for the discus firearm but misses. Neville is now in the corner and Aries goes up top but Neville knocks him off. Neville goes for a suplex but Tozawa comes to hit a powerbomb and it’s blocked by Neville. Tozawa knocks Neculle down and goes for a suplex off the top. Aries slaps him and goes for a top rope move but gets knocked down by Neville. Neville hits the Red Arrow for a 2 count on Tozawa. Neville goes for a suplex off the top but Aries dropkicks him to the outside. Tozawa hits the senton off the top on Aries but Neville comes in to try and take the pin. Tozawa throws him to the outside. Aries hits the discus fivearm on Tozawa but gets thrown outside by Neville. Neville retains. The crowd chants for Tozawa and he bows.

Bray Wyatt vs Seth Rollins:
Seth gains control early. Bray goes outside the ring. Bray comes back in the ring with the crowd chanting Seth. Bray yells he is a god and they lock up. Seth gains control once again but Bray grabs him for a Sister Abigail attempt. Bray poses in the corner and Seth walks away to the opposite corner. Bray gains control and puts Seth into the corner. Seth whips Brays face into the bottom turnbuckle into a running knee attempt. Bray runs outside the ring once again but Seth jumps outside onto him. The two men battle outside until Seth throws Bray back in. Seth goes to the top rope and Bray runs again. Seth attempts to dive outside through the middle rope but Bray hits him with an uppercut for a 2 count. Bray hits a DDT for a 2 count in the middle of the ring. Bray works the ground game until the crowd gets Seth back into the match. Seth goes off the ropes into a headbutt from Bray. Bray picks Seth back up and they exchange punches. Seth runs off the ropes into a big boot from Bray for a 2 count. Bray throws Seth into the corner. Bray goes for a suplex off the top but Seth counters. Bray attempts a suplex once again and gets a 2 count. Bray pushes Seth back into the corner and hits a clothesline. Bray works the ground game once again and Seth gets to his feet. Seth hits a running dropkick. Seth goes to the top but Bray grabs him and throws him for a 2 count. Bray picks Seth back up and throws him by his hair. Bray goes for a senton but Seth moves. Seth gets to his feet and throws Bray outside the ring. Bray comes back in and Seth hits the sling blade for a 2 count. Seth runs at Bray in the corner and hits him with elbows followed by an attempted Falcons Arrow. Seth hits another dropkick and Bray rolls outside. Seth dives through the ropes. Seth hits a clothesline off the top rope for a 2 count. Seth goes for his finisher but Bray hits him with a double armed clothesline running off the ropes. Bray sets up for Sister Abigail but Seth hits Falcons Arrow for a 2 count . The crowd chants Lets Go Rollins. Seth hits Bray with some elbows but Bray gets up and goes for Sister Abigail again. Seth runs into a clothesline instead for a 2 count. Bray slaps Seth on the ground and picks him up and slaps him again and Seth returns the favor. Bray goes for Sister Abigail and Seth rolls him up for a 2 count. Seth hits his finisher for the win.

Time for 15 minute intermission.
Six Women’s Tag Team Match
Bayley, Asuka, and Sasha Banks vs Emma, Nia Jax, and Alexa Bliss:
Asuka and Alexa start off showing off their respective titles to each other. They lock up and Alexa slaps Asuka. Alexa runs away and tags Nia. Nia throws Asuka. Asuka attempts to take down Nia but Nia is too powerful. Asuka connects with kicks but gets thrown into her corner. Asuka tags Sasha and Sasha puts Nia in a sleeper hold. Nia throws Sasha off her back and Sasha tags Bayley. Bayley puts Nia in a headlock and Nia whips Bayley into her corner. Nia tags Emma and Emma takes over. Emma whips Bayley into the corner but Bayley hits an arm drag off the rope. Bayley runs and hits a clothesline on a sitting down Emma. Emma punches Bayley and tags in Alexa. Alexa works on Bayley on the ropes and gets a 2 count on a cover. Alexa tags in Nia. Nia hits Bayley with a running move into the bottom turnbuckle. Emma tags in. Emma gets a 2 count. Emma works the ground game but Bayley gets back to her feet and kicks Emma. Bayley makes a tag to Asuka. Asuka works Emma with kicks. Asuka goes off the ropes and knocks Nia down with her butt. Alexa attacks Asuka with the refs back turned. Emma pulls Asuka back in the ring and Alexa tags back in. Alexa slaps Asuka again and pulls her hair. Alexa stands on Asukas shoulders. Alexa tags Nia back in. Nia whips Asuka across the ring. Nia stomps Asuka in the corner and pulls Asuka back up. Nia locks Asuka in a bear hug. Asuka locks Nia in a submission which Nia counters into a suplex throw for a 2 count. Nia picks Asuka back up and tags Emma. Emma goes to work on the ground on Asuka. Asuka gets back up but gets kicked on the ropes by Emma. Emma gets a 2 count. Emma tags Alexa back in. Emma and Alexa double team Asuka. Alexa slaps Asuka again which makes Asuka mad and Asuka hits a shining wizard and tags in Sasha. Sasha knocks out Emma and hits Alexa with a knee. Sasha throws Alexa into Nia which knocks her off the apron. Sasha hits the running double knees followed by the middle rope double knees for a 2 count. All women come back in th e ring and Asuka cleans out Nia. Sasha locks in the Bank Statement and Alexa taps out.

RAW Tag Team Championship
The Club vs Sheamus and Cesaro:
Anderson starts off against Cesaro. The Japanese crowd cheers Anderson and Machine. The men lock up and Cesaro takes control. Cesaro works the ground game on Anderson then Anderson reverses and works the ground game on Cesaro. The crowd loves it. They start chanting Too Sweet. Cesaro puts Anderson in a headlock and slams Anderson onto his knee. Anderson gets up and slams Cesaro. Anderson hits a running senton onto Cesaro and wants to lock up. Cesaro tags in Sheamus. Anderson tags in Gallows. They lock up. Gallows runs off the rope and hits a shoulder block but it doesn’t knock Sheamus down. Sheamus does the same and it doesn’t knock Gallows down. Both men finally knock each other down and have a stare down. Sheamus gains control and tags in Cesaro. Gallows uppercuts Cesaro and tags in Anderson. Anderson works on Cesaros knee. Cesaro distracts the ref and Sheamus takes out Anderson. Cesaro tags Sheamus back in. Sheamus works on Anderson on the outside. Sheamus throws Anderso n back in and tags Cesaro and they do a double team move for a 2 count. Cesaro works the ground game until Anderson gets back to his feet thanks to the crowd. Cesaro knocks Anderson down with a big uppercut. Cesaro tags Sheamus back in. Sheamus throws Anderson off the ropes and into his knee. Sheamus hits an uppercut and is now working Anderson in his corner. Sheamus teases punching Andersons chest but doesn’t pander to the crowd. Cesaro hits Anderson and Sheamus gets a 2 count. Sheamus works the ground game until Anderson gets up and hits a spinebuster. Anderson tags in Gallows and Sheamus tags in Cesaro. Gallows takes out Cesaro with clotheslines. Gallows tags in Anderson and they double team Cesaro and hit the Magic killer for a 2 count after Sheamus breaks it up. Anderson hits Cesaro and gets a 2 count. Anderson goes for the RKO but Cesaro catches him and throws him for a 2 count. Cesaro hits the Cesaro Swing into the sharpshooter. Gallows breaks it up. Sheamus slams Gallow s and both men are down in the ring. Cesaro tags Sheamus and Sheamus hits the clothesline off the top and knocks Gallows off the apron. Anderson rolls up Sheamus for a 2 count. Sheamus hits Anderson with a knee for a 2 count. Crowd chants this is awesome. Anderson hits a neckbreaker on Sheamus and tags Gallows. Gallows hits Sheamus with a sitdown powerbomb for a 2 count. Gallows and Sheamus exchange punches. Sheamus hits a clothesline but it doesn’t hurt Gallows. Gallows stand there and Sheamus does it again. Sheamus tags Cesaro. They double team Gallows. Cesaro hits the uppercut off the ropes for a 2 count. Gallows kicks Cesaro and Sheamus and hits a powerbomb on Cesaro for a 2 count. The Club goes for Magic Killer but Sheamus saves Cesaro. Sheamus and Cesaro double team Anderson and Cesaro gets the pin for the win. What a match. The crowd loves every second of it. The crowd cheers loudly for The Club as they head to the back.

Main Event time
The Miz and Samoa Joe vs Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns
Miz delays the start of the match by messing with the crowd and not taking off his sunglasses. Ambrose chops Miz and Miz asks Maryse to fan him. Ambrose chops him again. Miz grabs Joes towel and Maryse fans him with the towel. Ambrose chops him again. Ambrose misses another chop but Miz gets scared and Ambrose chops him again. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds but Miz runs outside the ring. Miz calls for Reigns. Ambrose tags in Reigns and Miz gets all pumped up and runs for a tie up but Reigns grabs him. Miz runs back to his corner and both men flex their muscles. The crowd chants Miz is awesome. Miz does push-ups in the ring and shakes the ropes like Ultimate Warrior. Miz gets in a 3 point stance and runs at Reigns. Reigns throws him away again. Reigns teases getting in a stance and now Miz wants to Sumo. Miz kicks Reigns but it doesn’t affect him. Reigns hits Miz with an uppercut. Reigns gets Miz on his shoulders but Miz gets out of it and runs to Maryse. The crowd chants loudly fo r Joe. Miz tags in Joe and Joe and Reigns lock up. Reigns gets Joe in a headlock but Joe whips Reigns and hits him with a shoulder block. Reigns gets up and turns around and punches Joe. Reigns runs off the ropes and hits a shoulder block of his own. Reigns pushes Joes face. Joe hits Reigns with jabs and both men exchange headbutts. Ambrose tags in and headbutts Joe but falls down instead of staying up. Joe tags in Miz and Miz headbutts Ambrose. Miz grabs his head and says that hurts. Miz runs off the ropes and hits Ambrose with a boot twice. Ambrose taunts Reigns and gets scared and runs and tags Joe. Joe goes to work on Ambrose on the ropes. Joe distracts the ref and Miz grabs Ambrose. Joe hits Ambrose with a suplex for a 2 count. Joe whips Ambrose into the corner and hits him with jabs followed by a tag to Miz. Miz comes in and Ambrose punches him. They move to the middle and Miz hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Joe takes out Ambrose on the outside. Reigns starts saying to the r ef he’s going to go to the other side and whoop some ass. Miz throws Ambrose back in the ring. Miz tags Joe back in. Joe jabs at Ambrose again and Ambrose slaps Joe. Ambrose runs off the ropes and tags in Reigns. Reigns hits Joe with a running clothesline and Miz with an uppercut. Reigns works Joe in the corner and hits him with a boot. Reigns is fired up. Reigns sets up for the superman punch but Miz grabs his hair which allows Joe to hit a pelee kick in the corner. Joe tags Miz and Miz starts punching Reigns on the ground. The crowd is 25% Lets Go Roman and 75% Roman sucks. Miz pulls Reigns up by the hair and Reigns hits Miz with punches. Miz grabs Reigns and hits him with an uppercut for a 2 count. Miz tags Joe back in and Joe starts doing Snake moves and making snake sounds. Joe works Reigns on the ground. Reigns gets back up and hits Joe with punches and bounces off the ropes and runs into an elbow for a 2 count by Joe. Joe works Reigns in the middle of the ring. Reigns at tempts a Samoan drop but gets nailed with some headbutts. Reigns comes back with an uppercut followed by a headbutt followed by Samoan drop. Reigns tags in Ambrose and Joe tags in Miz. Ambrose takes out Miz with some clotheslines. Ambrose jumps to the outside and takes out Joe. Ambrose throws Miz outside and hits him with a dive through the middle rope. Ambrose goes up top and connects with a dropkick. Miz drops Ambrose and goes for the figure 4 which Ambrose counters into a rollup for a 2 count. Miz goes for his signature jumping clothesline in the corner but Ambrose moves. Joe comes in and hits Ambrose. Reigns grabs Joe off the rope onto his shoulders and Ambrose hits him off the top rope. Miz distracts the ref which lets Maryse get involved. Miz hits Skull Crushing Finale for a 2 count. Miz connects with the YES! Kicks on Ambrose. Miz goes for another kick but gets rolled up for a 2 count. Ambrose hits a clothesline off the ropes. Joe slithers in and puts Ambrose in submission bu t gets hit with a Superman Punch followed by a Spear. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Miz for the win.

Roman cuts a promo on how great the culture and fans and the atmosphere in Japan are. He says he loves coming out here and he knows everyone in the back does too. They can’t experience everything all over the world but he makes sure to experience Japan because it’s the greatest.

What a great 2 days for WWE in Tokyo. Every time they come out here it’s a great time for all.