Hideo Itami
Photo Credit: 2k Sports

WWE Tokyo Live Event Results (6/30): Jericho vs Itami, Reigns vs Wyatt, Tozawa vs Neville, Former Bullet Club Members Face Off (Photos)

WWE Tokyo Live Event Results
Tokyo, Japan
Results courtesy of WZ reader Cory Hays

Chris Jericho vs Hideo Itami: very good match to start the night. Jericho wins with the walls of Jericho and then cuts a promo thanking the Japanese crowd and saying it’s his 50th tour of Japan today.

Bo Dallas vs Titus O’Neil: Titus gets attacked by Bo during his entrance but regains momentum. Titus wins with the Clash of the Titus

Austin Aries vs Akira Tozawa vs Neville for the Cruiserweight Championship:
Neville throws Akira out to start the match after the crowd cheers for Tozawa. Aries rolls Neville into a submission until Neville rolls out of the ring. Tozawa and Aries team up against Neville. Tozawa hits the senton off the rope and goes to cover Aries but Neville jumps in and takes the cover and retains.

Rhyno and Slater vs Sheamus and Cesaro for the RAW Tag Team Championships:
Slater and Cesaro kick off the match and Cesaro gets the upper hand. Slater makes the hot tag to Rhyno and Rhyno takes over. Cesaro throws Rhyno into the corner and tags in Sheamus. Rhyno and Sheamus exchange sumo moves to entertain the Japanese crowd. Rhyno knocks down Sheamus and Cesaro and tags Slater back in. Slater gets dominated until he makes a hot tag back to Rhyno. Rhyno sets up for the Gore but Cesaro grabs his leg which allows Sheamus to hit the Brogue Kick for the win. Sheamus and Cesaro retain.

Enzo Amore comes out for his entrance but gets attacked from behind by Big Cass. This goes into the ring where Enzo starts beating up Cass until Cass hits a big boot.

The Miz w/ Maryse and Samoa Joe vs Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins:
Miz says he wants Ambrose but instead tags Joe and runs away to start the match. Joe and Ambrose go at it. Ambrose tags in Rollins and they hit a suplex on Joe. Miz wants in and Joe tags him in. Miz against Rollins now. Rollins tags Ambrose but Miz gets pulled outside by Maryse. Miz continues to run from Ambrose until Ambrose catches him with a swinging neck breaker in the ring. Miz hits Ambrose with a big boot three times and Ambrose sits up like Undertaker three times. Miz attempts this a fourth time until Ambrose catches him. They fight back and forth. Miz tags Joe and Joe goes to work on Ambrose. Joe tags Miz back in. Miz puts Ambrose in a standing sleeper for a few minutes until Ambrose runs off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Joe and Rollins tag in. Rollins has momentum until Miz grabs his leg outside the ring and Joe gains control. Miz tags back in and hits the YES! Kicks on Rollins. Miz tags Joe back in and he tags Miz right back in. Miz and Joe work on Rollins in the corne r. Joe has Rollins under the bottom rope and tries to grab him but Rollins lands on his feet and hits a kick. In comes Ambrose and Miz. Ambrose has Miz beat and Maryse distracts the ref. Joe grabs Ambrose and allows Miz to hit the skull crushing finale for a 2 count. The ref throws out Maryse after she tries to slap Ambrose. The Japanese crowd is loving this. Ambrose beats Miz with the Dirty Deeds.

The shows breaks for a 15 minute intermission.

Six Women’s Tag Team Match
Asuka, Bayley, and Sasha vs Alexa, Emma, and Nia Jax:
Asuka Starts off against Alexa Bliss. Alexa runs away and tags Emma. Emma and Asuka shake hands and Emma tries to kick Asuka but Asuka kicks her instead. Asuka tags in Sasha and Sasha puts her butt in Emma’s face in the corner. Sasha tags Bayley and Bayley puts her butt in Emma’s face in the corner. Emma slams Bayleys head into the corner and it doesn’t affect Bayley. Bayley does the same to Emma. Emma grabs momentum and tags in Alexa. Bayley takes over and throws Alexa into the corner and tags Sasha. Sasha hits the double knees in the corner but Nia breaks it up. Bayley, Asuka, and Sasha hit a baseball slide on Nia. Nia tags in and hits Sasha with a clothesline. Nia throws Sasha on the ropes and distracts the ref which allows Emma to hit Sasha. Nia tags Alexa back in. Alexa tags Emma back in. Sasha is in trouble in the corner. Nia tags in and throws Sasha halfway across the ring. Nia tags in Alexa and Alexa slaps Sasha. Emma tags back in and Sasha is once again in the opposite corner. Sasha makes the hot tag to Asuka and Asuka goes at Alexa with a fleury of kicks. Nia saves Alexa and throws Asuka halfway across the ring. Asuka makes Emma submit to win the match.

Finn Balor vs Karl Anderson:
Both men wrestling like they know each other. Anderson threw up the too sweet to Balor then kicked him. Balor gains control and hits Anderson with a jump between the ropes then a kick to his face on the outside. Gallows gets involved and attacks Balor behind the refs back. They’re wrestling like they’re back home. Anderson takes control after the interference. Anderson throws Balor back outside and distracts the ref while Gallows kicks Balor. Balor barely escapes the 10 count. Balor regains control with a pelee kick to Anderson. Balor hits another pelee kick on the top rope but Gallows attacks Balor again. Anderson regains control. They go back and forth and Anderson hits Balor with a powerbomb for a 2 count. Balor regains control with a flip to the outside followed by sling blade into a diamond cutter by Anderson. 2 count. Balor regains control and hits the Coup Fe Grace for the win.

Main Event time
Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt:
Roman takes over early with a shoulder block. Bray walks up the entrance ramp to take a breather. Bray and Roman tie up and Bray gets hit with a clothesline off the ropes. Bray runs at Roman again and gets hit with an uppercut. Roman has control outside the ring until Bray gives him an Irish whip into the steel steps. Roman barely escapes the 10 count. Bray starts stomping him when he does. Bray hits a senton then starts head butting Roman. Bray grabs Roman back up and Roman hits an uppercut. Bray respond and gets a 2 count. Roman goes for a Samoan drop but Bray hits him with a DDT for a 2 count. Bray has Roman in a headlock and Roman is fading. Roman gets back up after hearing the crowd cheer for him. Roman whips Bray into the corner and hits him with another uppercut followed by a Samoan drop. Bray takes back momentum with an Irish whip into the corner but Roman hits off the corner into a clothesline. A lot of back and forth. Roman sets up for the superman punch but Bray is ready a nd plants Roman for a 2 count. Bray goes for Sister Abigail but Roman rolls him up and then hits the superman punch for a 2 count. Roman goes for the spear and gets countered into a sister Abigail attempt which Roman counters into the spear for the 3 count and the win.

Match of the night was the Cruiserweight Championship match.

The Japanese crowds are always into the matches and never stop cheering. The atmosphere is amazing.