More Backstage Details on Jim Ross Signing a New WWE Deal, Possible Reason Why the Deal Was Offered, His New Japan Status, More

jim ross
Photo Credit: Jackson Laizure/Getty Images

As noted, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has signed a new deal with WWE, and will be returning to the company at WrestleMania 33 to call the Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg WWE Universal Title match.

The new deal will see Jim Ross used for WWE Network content and occasional TV appearances, such as WrestleMania 33 on Sunday night.

According to, Ross signing the WWE deal means he will not be able to appear at the World of Sport Wrestling revival TV taping this coming Monday night in The UK. Ross called the pilot for the show on New Year’s Eve, and was involved in the show’s production and creative, however his new WWE deal will not allow him to appear on TV.

One of the reasons why WWE might have offered Ross the deal is to keep him off ITV, which will air the return of WOS Wrestling. As for Ross calling New Japan Pro Wrestling on AXS TV, it’s being reported his status with that show will not change with his new WWE deal.

Jim Ross “retired” from WWE back in 2013, following a 2k Sports Legends panel over SummerSlam weekend which saw Ric Flair pulled due to his behavior. Ross took most of the blame for the panel going awry, and subsequently retired from WWE at the behest of the company.