WWE SmackDown Results (3/7): Orton vs Styles, Ambrose Looks For Corbin, Alexa Bliss vs. The World

wwe smackdown results

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WWE SmackDown Results
March 7th, 2017
Report by Josh Lopez for WrestleZone.com 

Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan In-Ring Segment: 

What’s up Indianapolis? All week, Shane and Daniel Bryan have been dealing with the controversy surrounding the WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania. Bryan believes that Randy Orton should be the one fighting Bray Wyatt. Surprisingly, Shane says that AJ Styles deserves that opportunity. Bryan mentions the fact that he and Shane don’t always agree. For over 20 years, the winner of the Royal Rumble Match advanced to the main event of WrestleMania. Orton defeated 29 superstars from both Raw and SmackDown to earn his opportunity.

There’s never been a superstar who’s abdicated his Royal Rumble victory. Shane goes over the recent controversies surrounding the battle royal and the AJ Styles/Luke Harper Match. Shane reaffirms his position on AJ Styles. Bryan thought everything was planed out, but Orton literally put their WrestleMania plans ablaze. Bryan doesn’t agree with Orton actions, but he deserves the spot because he won the Royal Rumble. What should they do? This answer will not end in a debate. Over the weekend on Twitter Shane and Bryan announced that for the first time ever, AJ Styles will take on Randy Orton for the right to face Bray Wyatt for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania.