Impact Wrestling Results (2/16): Josh Barnett’s Debut, Edwards vs Richards, The Expedition Of Gold Continues

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Impact Wrestling Results
February 16th, 2017 
Report By Joshua Lopez for 

First Match: The Decay w/Abyss vs. Moose & Brandi Rhodes in a Mixed Tag Team Match 

Brandi and Rosemary starts things off. Rosemary tags in Steve. Brandi also brings in Moose. Rosemary rakes the back of Moose. Steve applies a sleeper hold. Steve with a clubbing blow to the back of Moose. Steve lands two running basement dropkicks. Moose drops Steve with a big shoulder tackle. Moose with a series of knife edge chops. Moose with a Stinger Splash in the corner. Steve lowers the top rope and Moose is sent crashing to the outside.

Abyss attacks Moose behind the referee’s back. Abyss sends Moose back first to the steel ring steps. Steve connects with the cannonball. Brandi starts arguing with the referee. Abyss rolls Moose back into the ring. Steve with the cover for a two count. Steve grounds Moose with a rear chin lock. Steve lands a couple of chops in the corner. Moose gives Steve a receipt. Abyss distracts Moose from the outside. Steve with a running dropkick to the knee of Moose. Steve applies a side headlock.

Moose lands a big right hand to get out of the hold. Moose with a float over cover for a one count. Moose launches Steve onto to Abyss on the outside with an one-handed powerbomb. Rosemary gets Moose in a sleeper hold. Brandi drives Rosemary head to the canvas. Brandi lands a couple of knife edge chops. Brandi ascends to the second rope. Brandi connects with the missile dropkick. Moose and Brandi connect with a series of MOOSE jabs to The Decay. Moose with the Game Changer to Steve to pickup the victory.

Winner: Moose & Brandi Rhodes