Isenberg Reacts: WWE Elimination Chamber “Three Years in the Making”

Becky Lynch defeated Mickie James


WWE Elimination Chamber kicked off with a women’s match with Becky Lynch and Mickie James. Mickie James looked great in the ring, reminding us of her ability to become a technical master and still utilize some of her old, but good, moves. A spin kick looked to take down Becky Lynch for good, but the fiery woman kicked out and was able to get the upper hand immediately after. Lynch would not look back and then defeat the former multiple time winner in under 9 minutes.

Many of us were curious, especially me, to see if Mickie James would come back and steal a win from Becky Lynch. Although she did not win tonight, I think we did see a positive in her game with Becky. I am skeptical about three women’s matches on a Pay-Per-View card, but this was a solid outing from both women. I would have tried to steal a win if I was James, but WWE knows that a title around a heel’s waist needs more than one opponent chasing her. Becky proved that she is similar in the ring as Mickie and both women worked well enough with each other not to completely squash the momentum the other has going. I wish the match was longer, but we got enough of a taste of why WWE wanted Mickie James back.

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Kalisto and Apollo Crews defeated Dolph Ziggler

As much as I try to care about this feud, I simply do not. Dolph Ziggler, who has lost over the past month to both men, was put in a Handicap Match at WWE Elimination Chamber. If he were to lose clean, what would be the point of his heel turn? That is the question I am asking myself today, 12 hours after seeing him lose and then become enraged once again. The biggest problem is the Arizona crowd, usually face friendly, cheering for him to attack more after the match.

Why is he in this situation? Why would a fresh heel turn for a former world champion, who was in a championship match a few months ago, be wasted on guys that muddle around the mid card? I just cannot find the logic here and another loss to Ziggler means that his credibility continues to go down the toilet. He is too talented for this booking and needs to find a face that can really elevate him back to where he should be. It was the shortest match of the night for one of the most talented in the ring.

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