Superstar Shake-Up

Isenberg Reacts: WWE RAW “Survivor Series Needs Big Stipulation”

Rich Swann and Sin Cara defeated Brian Kendrick and Noam Dar


Sin Cara hits a topé suicida, allowing him to get the upper hand on Dar. Sin Cara tosses Dar back in the ring, but Kendrick jumps up to trip Cara. He hits the mat and then gets taken down with a suplex. Sin Cara hits a Powerbomb, tags in Swann and he unloads with clotheslines and a foot stomp on the mat. He hits a rolling thunder on Kendrick while Sin Cara connects onto Dar on the outside with a Swanton. Rich Swann rolls up Kendrick for the win, making this the second straight victory for him over the champion.

A good match with a nice hometown pop ended when Rich Swann picked up his second win over the champion. WWE RAW has plenty of Cruiserweights to choose from and it looks like they are going to keep Swann in the mix. Dar is a solid athlete, but will he connect with a crowd outside of his hometown? Time will tell for that. When you see this match and hear the crowd (especially a smart and dedicated crowd like Scotland), you wonder why they did not sound fully invested in the moves of this match. Is this fad of Cruiserweights winding down? I hope not. 

WZZ 6.5

Tag Teams Galore

WWE RAW featured about a fifteen minute segment of talking from all of the tag teams involved in the Survivor Series match. The notable moments were The New Day coming out and Big E cutting a Braveheart promo. Furthermore, all of the teams finally got on board with the heels reluctantly joining. The Club talked about how they will stab their partners in the back if they get the chance, which led to them facing off against The New Day.

Anderson and Gallows, surprisingly, picked up a CLEAN win over Kofi and Big E in Scotland. I thought this was one of Luke Gallows’ best matches since coming back to WWE. He has never been bad, but he was spot on with his kicks and his movements in the ring. The big boot from the outside surprised me with how agile the guy actually can be given the opportunity. A win here was needed and I do think Anderson and Gallows are the guys to beat The New Day after they break Demolition’s record title reign. They need it the most out of any team in WWE.

The promo was a little too long, but I was entertained for 75 percent of it. Also, do we really need more than one segment with Truth and Goldust? Thankfully, The Shining Stars earned their way in the match with a victory later in the night. God, I can’t believe I am excited for The Shining Stars to win a match. R-Turth and Goldy are just really, really unbearable.

WZZ 6.5

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