Why This Is It For Dolph Ziggler In A WWE Ring, Randy Orton’s Booking Future & Ambrose/Cena Just Beginning

(Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images)
(Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images)

We had anticipated putting out four Chair Shot Reality videos this weekend. Unfortunately, technical issues beyond our control didn’t allow that. One video was released of Justin LaBar and Josh Isenberg debating Goldberg returning to WWE. The No Mercy predictions would have been included in the other segments that won’t be seen. So, LaBar and Isenberg wrote down their predictions for the three big matches of the night. Enjoy!

Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz


I will not be shocked if this is the end for Dolph Ziggler, but I will be surprised. With him still putting on excellent matches and knowing how much he loves the wrestling business, I think we still have a handful of good years left for Dolph Ziggler.

Take this for what it is worth, but Tuesday’s description for Smackdown said “A look back at Dolph Ziggler’s exit from WWE.” That was said on Friday, but then changed Saturday morning. I am not sure if they already have decided what will happen in this match, but I think you can get MORE out of Dolph Ziggler winning than him retiring. Either way, Dolph has been a joy to watch through the good and bad times. The Miz is on another level as a natural heel, being one of the only guys that constantly gets booed. This match should be fun to watch and captivating from beginning to end.


I think this absolutely is the end for Dolph Ziggler in a WWE ring…for now. Whether Ziggler moves to a backstage role in the company to offer his help while being able to work on outside projects or he goes to the independent wrestling scene —he will eventually return to a WWE ring. It might start with a Royal Rumble appearance in a few years or some other drummed up return. He’s in his mid-30s and guys like Jericho and Kane have proven that by working smart, working a good schedule and DDP Yoga — anything is possible into your 40s.

The Miz is on fire right now. It’s the best work he’s ever done and this is about a guy who has already been in a main event involving The Rock and John Cena at WrestleMania. This right now tops anything prior. To take the Intercontinental title off of him would be a huge mistake.

What better way for The Miz to add more heat to this nuclear run than eliminating fan favorite Dolph Ziggler?

Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt


The injury to Randy Orton keeping him off of Backlash was a blessing in disguise because the past three weeks have been great. The creativity is finally there and it was more than just both men appearing on the stage. It felt like what they tried to do with John Cena and Bray Wyatt heading into WrestleMania XXX, but better executed. This match has the makings of stealing the show. Sorry, Dolph.

This match is the most intriguing to me because we all plead and beg for a huge Bray Wyatt win. I think Bray wins, but there needs to be help from outside sources. Luke Harper should be paired back with him and will we see an actual Sister Abigail? i just hope that they can pull something unique off here and not a light in the ring like they did with Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt last winter.


I’m a broken record when it comes to Bray Wyatt match predictions. All about that “N” word…NEED. We constantly keep talking about how Bray needs a win. Sadly, I don’t think he’s going to get it.

I expect Orton to win as I think he’s next in line to be in the WWE World Championship title picture.

Not sure what’s next for Bray who doesn’t have Rowan because of injury and I expect Luke Harper to return Monday to challenge Braun Strowman.

That said, I have enjoyed this feud being a running storyline the whole episode of SmackDown with the two playing mind games. I’m looking forward to the match and if anything they do shocks me.

Triple Threat Match


Isn’t this the most predictable outcome? There is no way, in my eyes, that AJ Styles drops the championship this fast. I have gone on record saying that I think Styles remains champion until 2017. You have AJ wrestling at a high level, continuing to get over on the crowd in different ways and still keeping Dean Ambrose relevant.

John Cena’s historical championship reign (pending) will not be used at No Mercy. When they finally decide to give it to him, I expect it to be on one of the big stages WWE puts together. So, process of elimination means AJ Styles retains and continues his dominance on the blue brand. I think Dean Ambrose hits a Dirty Deeds or John Cena hits an AA at the very end, with Styles tossing them to the outside to steal the win. He always has to be one step ahead of both guys.


I agree with Isenberg on all he said.

Styles isn’t dropping the title this quick and this ins’t the right situation for Cena to win number 16.

Tremendous promo to end SmackDown, the show that continues to follow a theme of art initiating life or Internet stereotypes. It feels real and Dean Ambrose made me believe he meant what he was saying. Boy, how much better is Ambrose when chasing a title versus when he had it.

I think Styles wins and will be working with Randy Orton while Ambrose and Cena continue this newly discovered dislike and disrespect for each other in how they handle their business. I expect some fun sequences in this match with the level of ability and acumen these three have for their craft.

As always, follow along with @JustinLaBar and @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter along with our CSR colleagues @JuicySteen and @RonnellHunt7.

See the Goldberg debate in the video below: