TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/28) – Semi-Finals of BFG Playoffs, Lashley Confronts Moose, X-Division Ladder Match

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
July 28th, 2016 
Report By Joshua Lopez for

Broken Matt Hardy, Brother Nero and Ethan Carter III In-Ring Promo: 

Matt says that he only cares about his wife, son, Senor Benjamin and his devotees. He summons his obsolete mule for whom he no longer cares for, Brother Nero. Reby Sky accompanies Brother Nero don to the ring by calling him obsolete. Brother Nero is his slave who has to work for him and make him money.

Matt gives instructions to Brother Nero to insure that he beats EC3 to advance to the finals of the BFG playoffs. Brother Nero says that Matt doesn’t need his help. Matt is upset that Brother Nero has disobey him. EC3 comes out to interrupt Broken Matt Hardy. EC3 knew that Matt would come. EC3 makes fun of Matt’s facial expression. EC3 says that Brother Nero is not a obsolete mule he’s a relevant creature. Matt says he will eat EC3 and his cats.

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