WWE NXT Results (6/29): Alexa Bliss Takes on Carmella, Huge NXT Tag Title Match Signed for Next Week!

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June 29th, 2016
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Alexa Bliss vs Carmella

After a quick lock up Carmella grabs a wrist lock. Bliss reverses that into a rear chin lock. Carmella whips Bliss into the ropes and does a drop down. Bliss holds on to the rope and stomps on Carmella’s head. Bliss hits the ropes, but she runs right into a head scissor takeover by Carmella. Bliss gets dumped to the outside. Bliss tries to sweep Carmella’s legs, but Carmella jumps over her arm and moonwalks away. Bliss gets back in the ring. Carmella takes Bliss over with a side headlock. Bliss fights out of it but ends up getting put right back into it. Bliss whips Carmella into the corner. Carmella attempts a hurricanrana, but Bliss swings her to the ring apron. Bliss grabs Carmella’s head and slams her on the apron.

After a short break, Bliss is working an armbar on Carmella. Bliss continues to work over Carmella’s arm. Bliss crushes Carmella with a standing double knee drop, followed by a backflip knee drop to the gut. Carmella kicks out at two. Bliss argues with the referee about the count. Carmella surprises Bliss with a punch to the face. Carmella fires up and finally take Bliss over with her patented corner hurricanrana. Carmella superkicks Bliss, which causes Bliss to fall into the corner. Broncobuster by Carmella. Bliss immediately turns the attack into a sunset flip. Bliss goes up top, but Carmella cuts her off. Carmella flips Bliss off the top rope with a handstand hurricanrana. Carmella gets gooselled by Bliss. Bliss slams Carmella to the mat. Bliss hits twisted Bliss off the top for the win.

Winner- Alexa Bliss