Complete Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor Night 1 Results: Lethal vs Lio Rush, MCMG vs Young Bucks, Big Name Returns to ROH, More


ROH Supercard of Honor: Night One
Dallas Hyatt Regency


P-Dog & Rafael King v. Shane Taylor & Keith Lee

This pre-show match features local Texas talent getting a showcase. Taylor & Lee are two very large African-American men, while P-Dog is doing a Jack Evans/Grandmaster Sexay and King got a “Bruno Mars” chant to give you an idea of what he looks like.

P-Dog got on the mic and did a beatbox/freestyle. The crowd did not like this and told him so on a vulgar manner. He then got punched in the mouth.

Keith Lee showed exceptional athleticism for his size while Taylor played a more traditional big man. 

The finish saw Taylor & Lee hit an assisted sit-out power bomb for the win!

WINNERS: Shane Taylor & Keith Lee

Match Two: Christopher Daniels v. Bobby Fish

Both guys are really over with the crowd. There was a lot of really great, fun back and forth may work early on. 

Daniels got the advantage by using a distraction to kick Fish in the left arm and work it over the rest of the way.

Fish went for a moonsault and Daniels caught him in an arm submission for a close call on a submission. Daniels went for the Best Moonsault Ever and misses. They trade some hard kicks when Fish rolls him into a kneebar for the win!

WINNER: Bobby Fish