wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (1/28) – The Wyatt’s Crash The Highlight Reel, AJ Styles SmackDown Debut

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WWE Smackdown Results
January 28th, 2016
Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

The New Day, The Miz, The Usos, Titus O’Neil and Dolph Ziggler In-Ring Promo: 

Big E says that The Rock should be ashamed of himself. Kofi says that The New Day were only there to enlighten The Rock. Despite of all The Rock’s accolades in Hollywood he doesn’t have what The New Day has and that’s gold. What did The People’s Booty Do? He sully the name of The New Day by referring to their magical and beautiful unicorns horns as a part of a Llama in which you are not allowed to mention on a PG Show. Big E know’s what The Rock is cooking and it’s nothing but doo-doo. Kofi calls The Rock “Doo-Doo Dwayne”. The Miz comes out to interrupt The New Day. Miz says that he feels The New Day’s pain because he too was insulted by The Rock this past Monday on Raw.

To think that The Rock of all people would disrespect one of his silver screen contemporaries won’t faze the Miz because he doesn’t get upstaged. Miz is A-Lister who main evented WrestleMania and he deserves respect. The Usos comes out to interrupt The Miz and The New Day. The Usos asks The Miz if he’s mad. Jey says that he’s still upset that Miz keeps bringing up the fact that he main evented a WrestleMania. Jimmy says maybe that’s the reason got all that money to purchase a pretty dress. Woods tells The Usos to not talk to The Miz like that because he main evented a WrestleMania he has the best mouth in the business. Big E says that it’s a shame that The Usos continue to ride the coattails of their cousin and there’s a gold allergy running through their family. Kofi says that The Usos feel quite uncomfortable right now because they are out numbered. Jey says that they have more uce’s to shut both Miz and the entire New Day’s mouths. Out comes Titus O’Neil. Full donny brook ensues between both teams.