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TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/19) – Who’s The Last Man Standing?, Gail Retains, The Miracle’s In-Ring Debut

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
January 19th, 2016
Report By Joshua Lopez for

Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy In-Ring and Tyrus In-Ring Promo: 

Jeff ask’s his brother Matt to come down to the ring, so they can discuss the agreement Matt made with EC3 last week. Jeff said that The Hardy’s made a career out of being risk takers. Jeff said that he’s the wrestler he is today because of Matt. Jeff says that tonight feels a little bit too risky. Matt said that he let his family down when he lost to EC3. Matt said that his career is at a cross road and tonight he will put everything on the line. Matt says tonight he will finally defeat EC3. Jeff says that Matt knows what EC3 is capable of. Matt says that EC3 drives this professional wrestling game with his ego.

Matt said that he’s going to make Jeff, his family and the TNA fans proud tonight when he defeats EC3 in the Last Man Standing Match to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Jeff says that if Matt believe’s it then the creatures will believe. Tyrus comes out to interrupt the Hardy’s. One wrong idea leads to dream’s becoming nightmares. Tyrus said that Matt made a mistake and his time is over. Tyrus said that everything he’s done so far in TNA was about business, but now Jeff made things personal. Tyrus said that Jeff made fun of him. Tyrus challenges Jeff to a match. Jeff Hardy says let’s have a match right now. 

First Match: Tyrus vs. Jeff Hardy 

Hardy with a side headlock to Tyrus. Tyrus knocks Hardy down with a shoulder tackle. Tyrus with forearms to the ribs of Hardy. Jeff lands a series of right hands, but Tyrus sends Jeff to the corner. Hardy goes for a dive off the top rope, but he falls down to the mat. Tyrus proceeds to work on the leg of Hardy. Tyrus with a elbow drop to the left knee of Hardy. Tyrus goes out of the ring and drags Hardy to the steel ring post. Tyrus grabs a chair from ringside and referee Brian Stiffler tries to take the chair away from Tyrus, but Tyrus shoves Stiffler down and Tyrus gets disqualified. After the match Tyrus goes for the spike, but Hardy counters with the Twist of Fate. 

Winner: Jeff Hardy via DQ