Impact Wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (12/9) Quarter-Final Action In The World Title Series, Dixie Carter Interview

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
December 9th, 2015
Report By Joshua Lopez for

First Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Mahabali Shera in a Quarter-Final Match in the TNA World Title Series

Shera with a clothesline to Lashley. Shera stomps on his chest. Shera with right hands to Lashley in the corner. Shera with a running clothesline. Shera starts pandering and Lashley counters with a massive powerbomb. Lashley with right hands to Shera in the corner. Lashley with a suplex for a two count. Lashley that knocks Shera down to the mat. Lashley with clubbing blows to Shera’s back. Lashley with a chops to the chest of Shera who’s on the barricade at ringside.

Shera fires back with right hands. Lashley sends Shera rib first to the steel ring steps. Lashley dives onto Shera on the outside, but Shera catches Lashley and plants him with a bodyslam. Shera with a clothesline to Lashley. Shera with another bodyslam to Lashley on the mats on the outside. Shera rolls Lashley back into the ring. Lashley with a back elbow to Shera. Shera with a shoulder tackle. Shera with a press slam to Lashley. Shera goes for the Sky High, but Lashley counters with a Spear to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Bobby Lashley Advances To The Semi-Finals. 

Eric Young Promo: 

After Young defeats Tigre Uno tonight and moves on to the Semi-Finals. One unlucky soul stands in his way of the TNA World Title. Young tells the camera man to look into his eyes and asks him if anybody is going to stop him. Is there a single man that can stop Young? Absolutely not. 

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