Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Who Better Than EC3?”

EC3 defeated DJ Z

impact wrestlingCarter and DJ Z lock up. DJ Z applies a wrist lock on Carter and keeps the pace up with a backslide for two. Ethan Carter connects with a boot before getting dropkicked. He gets hit with a dropkick to the outside and then both men get back into the ring.  DZ hits a crossbody for a two count, but EC3 kicks him out of the ring.  Tyrus gets involved and EC3 takes control.

DJ Z gets thrown into the ring post and then takes a back body drop. As the match continues, the underdog gets going, as DJ Z hits another dropkick and then a springboard DDT. It does not last long, because EC3 catches him with a powerbomb and then the One Percenter for the win.

I really enjoyed this match because it brought so many different dynamics. EC3 is the favorite, but never count out DJ Z in matches. The guy is consistently good in any situation against any opponent. The pacing was to the appreciation of the crowd, with speed and timing. I would love to see DJ Z get a big push sometime, but maybe he can be a continuous placeholder for the X-Division when they decide to focus on that. Either way, great match to kick things off and EC3 moves on. EC3 is just SO GOOD.

WZ 7.5

Tigre Uno defeated Gail Kim

If a Knockout would face any competitor, an X-Divison guy would be the answer. Although I do not like seeing this, It kind of worked for both parites. Kim took some bumps, but also took a few offensive moves to Uno and made him look surprised. The size different is obvious, but not obnoxious and unbelievable. We knew Uno would pick up the win here, but what is next for him? He goes to the round of 8 as likely the least to win. Would it make sense for TNA to try and shake things up with Gail? It’s dangerous, but would get people talking. Isn’t that what TNA needs?

WZ 5