The Godfather Talks His Relationship with The Undertaker, His Different Characters in WWE, Will He Enter the Hall of Fame?

Below are some interview highlights:

On his characters in WWE:

“I put a lot of pride in all my characters,” he said. “Papa Shango is still popular at the shows. All those kids who were 8 or 9 years old were so scared of Papa Shango, and now they’re 35 and they tell me at shows, ‘You scared the heck out of me as a kid.’ I still scare people when I put on the paint.”

On his relationship with The Undertaker:

“The Undertaker was and is still one of my best friends,” confirmed Wright. “He’s as old as I am, and he has nobody else on the roster to talk to, so he calls when he needs to talk and we still do a lot of texting. The Undertaker is the hardest working, most caring person when it comes to this business.”

Will we see him in the WWE Hall of Fame?:

“I don’t think you’ll see me in the hall any time soon because WWE is so PG now,” Wright explained. “They don’t want people pulling up the old Godfather stuff, so they might have to go back to being ‘R’ before you’ll see me in the hall.”