WWE RAW Results (8/3) – Rollins’ Open Challenge, The ‘Sorority’ Continues To Win, Remembering Roddy Piper!

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WWE RAW Results
August 3rd 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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Seth Rollins comes out (wearing a “Never Shuts Up” shirt mocking Cena’s tee) and brags about breaking John Cena’s nose, and the crowd chants ‘thank you Rollins’ at him. He says he felt it crack and heard it pop, and Cena kept fighting and caught him offguard, but it will never happen again. Rollins says they should do this one more time, but this time it’s title for title, winner takes all at WWE Summerslam! Rollins says it doesn’t matter if he beats Cena or Cena just doesn’t show up, because he will be the first person to hold the United States Championship and the WWE Championship at the same time. He reminds the crowd this is the same area where he won the WWE title, and it’s the same venue as the first ‘John Cena Open Challenge’, so he’s having one of his own right now! Rollins says the Authority allowed it as long as it’s an opponent under six feet tall and under 200 pounds… and Neville answers the challenge.

WWE Title Open Challenge
Neville vs Seth Rollins (c)

Neville surprises Rollins with a few strikes and knocks him outside as we go to a break, then we get back to see Rollins applying a headlock. Rollins kicks Neville and goes for a suplex, but Neville floats over and kicks him in the face. Neville lands a few more before Rollins knees him, then he heads up top but Neville catches him with a kick and an inverted sunset flip slam. Neville heads up top but Rollins rolls through and clotheslines him, then Neville tries to steal a pin before Rollins argues with the ref about the count. Rollins heads up top and Neville cuts him off and hits a step up hurricanrana, then he sends him across the ring and hits Red Arrow… for two! The crowd erupts but Rollins gets his foot on the rope, and Neville tries to compose himself and hit Red Arrow again, but Rollins hits a Pedigree for the win. 

Winner – Seth Rollins 

That was one hell of a match; I can’t really put it any other way. Rollins gets a good CLEAN win, and Neville gets a big stage and looks like a star. Great opener.