Big Show Stands Up For WWE Against Wrongful Death Lawsuit; Tells Talent to ‘Accept Their Responsibility’ as an Athlete

big showTMZ caught up with Big Show recently as he was out with his attorney, and was asked about the ongoing wrongful death lawsuit levied against WWE by the family of the late Matt Osborne (aka Doink the Clown). 

“I think that everybody that steps through those ropes knows what could possibly happen. It takes one hit to end your career. It takes one hit to end your life. You gotta accept that responsibility as a talent. Whether you’re a boxer, ultimate fighter or sports entertainer.” … “I have nothing but good things to say about the place that I work for, because I’ve seen how much they’ve gone above and beyond to take care of the talent, where no one ever did that before. I’m sorry for people’s loss. I go through it too. I’ve got knees, back [injuries].”